Example sentences of "find that [adj] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 → I 'm afraid that you are quite likely to find that many guitar manufacturers provide very little in terms of manuals with their instruments , Richard .
2 When the child caught this later and went off her food , I found that tiny Marmite sandwiches handed over whilst I pushed the pram round Wood Green and along the New Yatt Road , seemed to be acceptable to the invalid .
3 I sped again on the bus to the races and found that overnight Assiniboia Downs had sprouted all the ballyhoo of Woodbine , T-shirt stalls , banners and besashed bosoms Support Canadian Racing included .
4 The MMI was studied by Finnerty and Park ( 1988a ) , who found that profitable arbitrage opportunities existed and , while they did not explicitly consider transactions costs , that the arbitrage profits were large enough to cover such costs .
5 McDonnell and Montgomery found that higher overflow percentages than 10–25 per cent led to increased retrieval times for all block sizes .
6 A simulation analysis , in which the correlation between changes in interest rates and changes in spot prices was not constrained to be zero , found that stochastic interest rates only affected the no-arbitrage price when strong mean-reverting movements were expected .
7 The UGC Earth Science Review found that many research students learn as much from each other as they do from the academic staff .
8 We worried at first that the children might be sceptical and uninterested ; but we soon found that nine year olds have already heard of atoms in garbled ways from comics and really want to know about them .
9 I found that moderate slip angles produce no nasty consequences , but was restrained from further experimentation with the admonition that the aircraft describes what sounds like a brisk departure into a fast outside flick roll with the nose going hard down to exceed its negative-g limit .
10 Jamieson ( 1986 ) in her study of working-class mothers and daughters in urban Scotland in roughly the same period , found that young adult women living in the parental home would take on domestic work to assist their mothers routinely and extensively , in a way not replicated by their male counterparts .
11 As described in chapter 4 , Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) found that positive school experiences appeared to help foster planning skills in girls brought up in care .
12 A survey carried out for the 1909 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws found that subsidised pauper wage-earners made up only 0.5 per cent of the female population in the sixteen areas investigated , though an 1898 report by a woman factory inspector in Glasgow had considered that a substantial amount of poor relief went in aid of wages .
13 Further studies found that short birth intervals were also associated with higher rates of prematurity and hypertensive toxaemia ( e.g. Eastman , 1944 ) and with higher fetal and child mortality ( Yerushalmy , 1956 ) .
14 This was suggested by the NOAH team ( Smith & Sambur 1980 ) who found that short function words , which made up only 1% of their lexicon accounted for 30% of errorful hypotheses and only 10% of correct ones .
15 Indeed , Eid & Sollner-Web ( 15 ) found that 87 base pairs of homology was all that was necessary for the second crossover event of insertion into the T.brucei calmodulin gene locus , as long as there was an extensive region of homology ( 6-7 kb ) for the first crossover .
16 However , the issue was decided by the Civil Engineers , who conducted clearance tests at very short notice , and found that most station platforms would need the platform edging stones setting back .
17 Osborne ( 1977 ) found that sheltered shore animals grew faster to reach their larger size compared to those from exposed shores .
18 The latest Caterer and Hotelkeeper/American Express Business Barometer Survey , covering the first quarter of 1991 , found that high interest rates , inflation and falling consumer demand were the key worries facing hotels and restaurants .
19 Psychologists Dorothy and Jerome Bruner , co-directors of the Yale University Family Television Research and Consultation Center , found that addicted TV viewers have a shortened attention span and a lack of ‘ reflectiveness ’ — the ability to think , in other words .
20 The research team found that conventional parentcraft classes were often unsuitable .
21 Because the Stormont trainers are always on the look-out for suitable dogs , they have in the past found that unscrupulous pet owners have taken advantage of their open-door policy to save on kennelling fees .
22 Under permanently wet conditions , small mammal bone becomes soft and easily broken , and it has been found that small mammal bones preserved in wet caves become extensively broken , whereas in dry caves they are better preserved , but other factors may also modify such an assemblage .
23 Whilst originally described as a universal buffer for restriction enzymes , we have found that all modification enzymes required for cDNA synthesis have close to 100% activity in 0.5 KGB buffer .
24 For Sp1 , it has been found that multiple phosphorylation events generate a large number of electrophoretic variants of the protein ( 4 ) .
25 Clarricoates also found that primary school teachers try to gear their lessons more towards the interests of the male pupils , because they are more likely to be disruptive : a finding supported by Morgan and Dunn ( 1988 ) .
26 The Government Social Survey also found that local authority tenants were least willing to move .
27 New found that fasting triglyceride levels were significantly higher in diabetics aged between 31–50 years with complications compared to those without , although no such relationship was observed in diabetics over 50 years of age ( New et al , 1963 ) .
28 Harris ( Meyers , 1984 personal communication ) has found that high amplitude stylolites formed at burial depths of less than 1,000 m in the Burlington Formation ( Mississippian ) .
29 The study of forty-eight US product innovations discussed above also found that imitation costs ( and times ) vary with the amount of basic research done by the imitator , and other work has found that high R&D spenders adopt new technologies faster than less R&D intensive firms .
30 Their cultural as well as their economic life could be broadened : in the winter of 1922–3 it was found that more peasant children from families owning draught animals attended school regularly than those without any .
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