Example sentences of "find it [adj] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Because so few of the policy-makers have had direct experience of business , they seem to find it impossible to believe that when , for instance , interest rates fall , the positive effect on business confidence and hence on investment decisions may take up to three years to work through .
2 The Chinese seem to find it difficult to believe that foreigners have arm- and leg-muscles the same as themselves !
3 The Conservatives also were to find it difficult to forget that he was not from their side , but a Labour appointee with clear and continuing sympathies for the trade unions .
4 He found it impossible to believe that he had ever been able to write a book or give a lecture , or advise a government .
5 ‘ The snag was , she found it impossible to accept that anyone could possibly find her less than addictive .
6 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
7 Alcuin thought he might be employed in making peace , but the fact that he found it necessary to protest that he had never been disloyal to Offa suggests that his allegiances were being called into question .
8 This is , presumably , why Lockheed found it necessary to ensure that it was granted contracts around the world by offering financial inducements to decision-makers in the 1960s and 1970s .
9 And although I found it hard to understand that you did n't want to meet her again that evening , I accepted that she was possibly ‘ not your type ’ .
10 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
11 She found it hard to believe that a Press Officer would be party to evidence of this nature .
12 She still found it hard to believe that any British ship could be in danger so near to home ; even when Jock had explained that unless a submarine was in water deep enough in which to dive , an escort was essential .
13 I found it hard to believe that Flora could suffer like other people from minor humiliations , personal relationships .
14 I found it hard to believe that , even if he had been out of the country , his family could have moved away without his knowing .
15 So that Clara , although she found it hard to believe that she herself was thus chosen , had no alternative to believing it .
16 Looking back afterwards , Florrie found it hard to believe that such a tragedy could have arisen from such trivial , everyday circumstances .
17 Everyone began to listen carefully to the news bulletins on the wireless and to buy newspapers as soon as they were printed , yet people found it hard to believe that war could really happen .
18 She found it hard to believe that such a thing had happened , and tears came to her eyes .
19 She found it hard to believe that Julius would actually carry out his threat to tell the press about that letter , but she could n't be absolutely sure he would n't do it .
20 They faced each other , and she found it hard to believe that he could be involved in anything underhand .
21 Now that she was thinking more rationally , all the old doubts came back , and she found it hard to believe that she could have behaved so rashly .
22 She still found it hard to believe that someone would go to all that trouble just for her .
23 Kate still found it hard to believe that this single-minded , dedicated , successful career man could be so uncertain of himself .
24 Similarly , I found it hard to believe that Neil Morrissey , as Danny in the Comedy Playhouse pilot Stuck On You , was a sports journalist when he seemed able to fulfil all his professional obligations without leaving his flat .
25 Curtis found it hard to believe that he was looking at the killer of at least twenty people .
26 She watched them go off together , then went in search of Robert , though she found it hard to believe that he really wanted to talk to her .
27 Gertrude Joyce , at least , found it hard to accept that she was a foreigner in the town where she had been born and she had lived until she was over twenty-five years old .
28 For one thing , he found it hard to accept that anyone who lacked the advantage of being American could pose much of a threat , and for another , he needed every scrap of material he could get from any quarter , even the newspapers , to sustain the nonstop barrage of reports he was firing into headquarters .
29 With so many awkward questions hanging over the case , Coleman found it hard to imagine that the government would take it into court — and was not at all reassured by the thought .
30 Fran had read all she could about Luke Calder before the interview and knew that he came from the poorest part of Glasgow and that he had got to where he was today by dint of sheer hard work and determination , but , looking at him now , she found it hard to imagine that he had come from anything but a moneyed background .
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