Example sentences of "find in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is easy to find in the political writing of the eighteenth century , and especially in its vast pamphlet literature , frequent rejection of the idea of the balance of power .
2 Er one wonders how on earth they speak to each other , or if indeed they even know who each other is or where their offices are and there is n't that personal relationship that one might expect to find in the normal concept of a legal firm and indeed er without clearly we go to off the point somewhat to have a discussion as to whether or not er a partnership is a suitable legal entity for these people to trade under .
3 Yet through it all a strong sense of caring pervades and a feeling of friendship which is not easy to find in the Western World .
4 A fortnight later , W. & R. Chambers placed an advertisement in the Edinburgh Evening Co it rant ( the first of its kind that I have been able to find in the local press ) , reading : " Printing : wanted : young women of good education and character , to act as compositors " .
5 These vast walls were slashed across with bizarre colours like some monstrous oil-painting … it was the kind of valley one would expect to find in the exotic landscape of a dead planet ’ .
6 When the form of socialism is that found in the Soviet Union and most Eastern European states , with different social and economic organizations integrated into a single , state-wide organization , society is ruled by an apparatus which is largely bureaucratic and which attempts to integrate all collective activities .
7 The postulate put forward in this study is that the potential meaning of to before the infinitive is more abstract than that found in the spatial use of the preposition , and can be stated as follows : the possibility of a movement from a point in time conceived as a before-position to another point in time which marks the end-point of the movement and which represents an after-position with respect to the first .
8 With the exception of three genera , Syngamus and Mammomonogamus , which are parasitic in the trachea and major bronchi , and Stephanurus found in the perirenal area , all other genera of veterinary importance in this superfamily are found in the intestine and can be conveniently divided into two groups , the strongyles and hookworms .
9 She managed to give the would-be lawn a rough cut with an ancient mower she found in the outside store , and now she was tackling the border where already green shoots pierced the earth with promise .
10 The basis for supposing that there are hereditary factors in the aetiology of peptic ulcer disease is provided by studies showing aggregation of peptic ulcers in the families of affected individuals to a greater extent than that found in the general population .
11 One of the most innovative systems is that found in the optical mouse used with the Xerox Star business computer .
12 The main point , however , of the section on the Germanic tribes is a discussion of the nature of feudalism , and this is little different from that found in The German Ideology .
13 In the New Testament , God is likened to a father , a shepherd and the owner of a vineyard ( among other images , including some found in the Old Testament ) .
14 It is simply due to the fact that the diffused , little defined , fitfully manifested and sometimes sub-personal presence of God as Spirit which we found in the Old Testament , becomes clearly focused for the first time in Jesus of Nazareth .
15 It was still risky , however , and anyone found in the wrong dormitory outside of hours faced expulsion .
16 It is interesting that the dose-response effect we found in these coeliac disease children is similar to that found in the single gluten challenge study by Ciclitira et al , which showed no evidence of jejunal mucosal damage after the infusion of 10 mg of gliadin , minimal changes after 100 mg of gliadin , and noticeable histological changes after an additional 500 mg challenge .
17 ‘ That 's the medicine we found in the sick bay , is it ? ’
18 The ship 's electrics panel , which one usually finds in the navigating area for convenience , has been removed to above the vanity in the starboard after cabin .
19 Perhaps the best known exponent of this model of general education in the UK is Hirst ( 1969 ; 1974 ) , but it is familiar in most countries , and results in the relatively academic type of secondary school curriculum that one finds in the English grammar school , the French Lycée or the German Gymnasium , with appropriate national differences of emphasis ( the English have always stressed ‘ process ’ rather than ‘ breadth ’ ) .
20 And slowly one pieces together from the records , from the archaeological finds in the local museum , and from the evidence of one 's own eyes , what has happened .
21 Candida albicans and related yeast-like fungi are commonly found in the genital tract , particularly in women , and do not often produce infection or symptoms in the male .
22 It has been suggested that such terranes are equivalent to oceanic plateaus , which are to be found in the present-day ocean basins and which often rise several kilometres above the adjacent ocean floor ( Fig. 3.32 ) .
23 The Financial Statement for the year ending 31st July 1990 is to be found in the Annual Report 1989–90 .
24 The Chairman , Mrs. Hilary Weedon and the Hon. Treasurer , Mrs. Jean Parmiter presented their reports ( details of which can be found in the Annual Report 1978–9 circulated to all individual members and group secretaries in January of this year . )
25 Copyright-cleared background music recordings can be obtained by mail order , and the addresses to contact are to be found in the relevant hobby magazines .
26 Unfortunately these tables are not kept up to date , so even if your statute is not in the table it may be found in the relevant group in the main work .
27 ‘ The view that the explanation is to be found in the increasing power of numbers to do damage beyond what one individual can do is open to the obvious answer that this depends on the personality and influence of the individual .
28 About six weeks after infection , chronic bronchitis and emphysema are established and small greyish nodules may be found in the posterior part of the diaphragmatic lobes ; these may aggregate to form larger areas and are slow to resolve .
29 A parallel with this behaviour can be found in the present study .
30 The direct correlation found in the present study between the degree of reticulin collapse and the hepatic venous pressure gradient , which is very similar to that obtained by Valla et al in patients with acute viral hepatitis , further supports this hypothesis .
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