Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Not much else is needed to prompt a visit than a map and some route descriptions , so thus it was that we found ourselves between the Vénéon and the Etançons on the campsite at La Bérade in August .
2 Me and Sam missed our way and found ourselves on the edge of Foxton Mire .
3 This we did , for in about an hour and a quarter from the time of our beginning the ascent , we found ourselves on the top of this dreadful precipice , and in possession of some very uncommon plants … ’
4 Within three weeks I had handed in my dissertation , Lorne had assembled the rudimentary equipment , and with more bravado than common sense we found ourselves on the island of Celebes in the South China Sea .
5 But Robin still hungered for a night on the traps : so we found ourselves at the Harold Park Hotel , the crowds milling into the street , silhouetted against the lights of the adjacent Greyhound track .
6 ‘ After the success of ‘ Colour Of Spring ’ we found ourselves in the position we 'd always dreamed of , ’ explains Mark Hollis , the main force behind Talk Talk .
7 Though the CPRS had drawn up an agenda in four parts , starting with our relationship with the external world , we soon found ourselves in the middle of a second reading debate over the whole field .
8 We found ourselves in the middle of nowhere .
9 Then our small boat began to go down and we found ourselves in the water .
10 We found ourselves in the kitchen where a well-groomed girl was washing up - one of the tasks for which residents were responsible in this co-operative household .
11 The City streets were fairly quiet of course , but as we passed into the suburbs we found ourselves in the midst of the Saturday morning shopping rush .
12 Squashed between the driver and the mechanic on top of the engine housing in the first truck , we found ourselves in the role of unwitting umpires , keeping the two men from each other 's throats .
13 How bitter must he be to find himself in the position in which he was now ?
14 He liked some music but generally was n't musical and was always slightly put off to find himself in the company of those who were .
15 Muller , however , is surprised to find himself in the company of players he once idolised , and he has yet to recognise that he is about to become a similar figure .
16 He found himself with the duty of helping to make a vital decision for the Church of England at a moment in its destiny .
17 McLeish found himself on the verge of suggesting that a thoroughly unpleasant time in a New York jail might succeed in curing Tristram where all other methods , including exhortation , loving family support and a spell in a comfortable private hospital in Devon , had failed .
18 He ran the company as if he had suddenly and unexpectedly found himself on the footplate of a runaway engine .
19 When the election was won , most handsomely , Pym found himself on the backbenches .
20 By the beginning of 1957 Franco found himself on the horns of a dilemma : both change and immobilism implied a high degree of risk for his continuation in power .
21 For Hamed , the eldest son of Um Hamed , who found himself on the shelf quite unexpectedly and yet was ready to marry .
22 Thus Jeffrey found himself on the Island of Sombrero in the Leeward group .
23 Presently , by what caprice of Providence he never knew , he found himself on the street that led to his lodgings , and stumbled towards it .
24 He chased them in Australia last year , tried to hunt them down at the Arms Park in the World Cup , but found himself on the end of the heaviest Welsh defeats home and away .
25 So Bobby found himself on the carpet — on the silk dressing gown — and on Rachel !
26 Although Phil had been slightly reserved in his manner towards her ( Nancy ) , she knew that that was his way and she was enjoying the company of that wiry , small-boned , gently spoken citizen from Sacramento who almost invariably found himself at the back of every queue that ever formed itself .
27 Ramsay , who found himself at the head of nearly a thousand men of Lothian , largely Lindsays — whose chief , Sir David , Keeper of Edinburgh Castle , was sick and so not present — Setons , Hepburns , Sinclairs , Keiths and other lesser clans , as well as his own men , offered to ride fast for the Borderland , to join Scott of Rankilburn whom Douglas had alerted to watch Dunbar ; together they would make up a force large enough to give that Earl pause .
28 As though his feet were programmed he found himself at the Incident Room .
29 A classic example was when he found himself at the centre of media and national attention after taking over the chairmanship of the troubled Westland Group in June 1985 .
30 For a further four years , Sukarno found himself at the centre of a political maelstrom of which the outcome seemed obscure .
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