Example sentences of "find [pron] in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We note that the court found nothing in the wording of section 2 which persuaded them that the course taken in A. v. H.M.
2 Old people in particular often ensure each night before they go to bed that their house is tidy and their last instructions are by their bed in case they should die in the night and someone will have to find them in the morning .
3 He found them in a mess of vomit .
4 When the Sheriff and his men approached the brothers at Winchelsea , they found them in a state of drunken revelry .
5 Scottish police found them in a women 's refuge in Inverness but they disappeared again and may now be in London a city Mrs Ivory knows and likes .
6 ‘ I found them in a book and I took them .
7 His beloved father , Jack , had no especial love for cricket , although later on young John would delight in a recollection that when cricket began to seek better playing surfaces it found them in the graveyards .
8 Her boyfriend found them in the back of his van , abandoned by someone months or years before their discovery , and they have collected chocolate stains from half eaten Minstrels and white smears from Quaker oats .
9 A few lay on the ground in exhausted or inebriated sleep , oblivious to children and dogs who clambered over them , or to the kicks from porters who found them in the way .
10 I have argued elsewhere that Pound was prepared to take instruction , as well as to give it ; that when he first came to London in 1908 , he was looking for masters to whom he might apprentice himself ; that he found them in the Irishman W.B. Yeats and the maverick Englishman Ford Madox Ford ( whose professionalism about writing still denies him in England the recognition that he gets abroad ) ; and ( so I have speculated , though I know it can not be proved ) that Pound sought the same relationship with another Englishman , Laurence Binyon , who was too cagey to go along with the idea .
11 Their mother Carol found them in the burning room after hearing their screams .
12 We found them in the stables , tending to the horses ; country lads whose constant talk was of saddles , bridles , reins and spurs ; what was good horseflesh and what was n't ; what horses should be fed and when they could drink .
13 ‘ Mac , ’ as of course he was known , would promise to bring down the wrath of almighty God on them if he found them in the Trocadero , Elephant and Castle , when they should be ‘ capable of , and available for work , ’ as one had to be in those days .
14 Every Saturday found me in the Hippodrome , our nearest cinema , which stood like a red-brick wireless set at the junction of Main Street , Byrely Road and Auckland Terrace .
15 Back in the cottage she found everyone in the kitchen .
16 ‘ You could n't possibly have realised how big a task you 'd set yourself , trying to find someone in the whole of London . ’
17 Erm from there we went into this purpose built flat above a grocers shop , it was meant for the manager of the grocers shop , but he had better sense and so the flat became available for letting to the Borough Council who at the insistence of the owners of the house we were in , erm , were anxious to get their property back and so we found ourselves in a brand new flat , the first tenants , although this was not very highly to be recommended , you approached your flat up er stone staircase , er from the outside so you exposed to the elements er you then walked across the roof , flat roof over the shops until you came to your flat door , erm , Islington at that time was just beginning the , to see the influx of immigrants from the colonies as they were in those days and er , they in turn created much heavier demand on what little vacant property there was , so that the district rapidly deteriorated and for many people who were not in the fortunate position that we were found it necessary or desirable to leave because they were sharing rooms or sharing houses with people whose ways of life were different from theirs and this is something I think that housing authorities learnt to appreciate over the years that the differences between people 's ways of life are one of the major causes of social distress .
18 We found ourselves in a hall where a masked ball was in progress .
19 We were let through with barely a curled lip , and found ourselves in a foyer hardly smaller than a pyramid .
20 Suddenly at St Aubyn 's we found ourselves in a crowd of seventy boys , nearly all older .
21 We again found ourselves in a situation where we had to descend because of icing .
22 Some way along the journey , we inexplicably found ourselves in a Tesco car park in Derby .
23 ‘ After the success of ‘ Colour Of Spring ’ we found ourselves in the position we 'd always dreamed of , ’ explains Mark Hollis , the main force behind Talk Talk .
24 Though the CPRS had drawn up an agenda in four parts , starting with our relationship with the external world , we soon found ourselves in the middle of a second reading debate over the whole field .
25 We found ourselves in the middle of nowhere .
26 Then our small boat began to go down and we found ourselves in the water .
27 We found ourselves in the kitchen where a well-groomed girl was washing up - one of the tasks for which residents were responsible in this co-operative household .
28 The City streets were fairly quiet of course , but as we passed into the suburbs we found ourselves in the midst of the Saturday morning shopping rush .
29 Squashed between the driver and the mechanic on top of the engine housing in the first truck , we found ourselves in the role of unwitting umpires , keeping the two men from each other 's throats .
30 I was there in September and our group miserably went up the valley from Mayrhofen in the rain and was even more miserable when we reached the summit to find ourselves in a blizzard .
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