Example sentences of "find [pron] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Winston Smith seeks such things in Orwell 's last book when he enters the slums of London to find someone old enough to remember an England he himself had never known .
2 The hesitant middle-aged gentleman who was brave enough to join a keep fit class later found himself confident enough to join the neighbouring management training and business start-up class , and grew in confidence and ability to the extent that he opened up a new business .
3 United found it easy enough to open Wolves up , but they could n't quite finish them off .
4 The kindness of Cinzia Miletti 's heart was a quality Zen had considerable difficulty in imagining where Ivy Cook was concerned , but he found it easy enough to believe that in her husband 's absence Cinzia had been feeling bored and had welcomed any excuse for going into Perugia .
5 As he is something of a carpenter ( he built his own sail boat for use on the Chesapeake ) , he found it simple enough to take off the right-angled corners and substitute curves .
6 Casual Work Many women found it necessary either to supplement the wages of their husbands or to become breadwinners themselves .
7 The resolution was dismissed by aides of Israel 's Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir , who asserted that it was " a pity " that the UN found it necessary repeatedly to condemn Israel when the real Middle East crisis was in the Gulf .
8 He found it hard even to visit his old sidekick Bundini when he was dying .
9 I found it hard therefore to understand why she should act so far outside her own political ideology .
10 He found it hard enough to persuade senior officers to go along with the peace settlement .
11 She wished Evie had not spoken , since she found it difficult now to look at Lionel without wondering whether that day , or the day before , some poor child had been sold to him .
12 Exposed to Minton 's freewheeling , glamorous Bohemianism , some found it difficult afterwards to stand on their own feet , for Minton had effectively broken them away from their backgrounds or their jobs .
13 The Secretary of State found it difficult enough to maintain the unity of his allies in Europe over the question of re-arming Germany .
14 However , local farmers found themselves unable effectively to combat the pollution or even to extract adequate damages from the company .
15 Recently deserted by her husband Cruncher ( ‘ He left me for a wee young thing of 58 ’ ) she 's found it hard enough to make ends meet in the past .
16 Although Britain has found it difficult historically to slough off its economic past of stop-go , there are considerable signs that it is now prepared to do so .
17 I find it hard enough to do descriptions of today .
18 I look back at the old woman , marvelling at Enid and Philip for finding her interesting enough to talk about .
19 He is said to have remarked : ‘ I would sell London , if I could find anyone rich enough to buy it . ’
20 You may very well find it possible yet to send them home again in the very minted pieces in which they left home with the lady . ’
21 You may find it useful actually to write similar sentences or even your introductory chat on your question list to remind you if your mind goes a blank and to help you see the shape of the interview you are planning .
22 Robyn was about to say , ‘ The Government , ’ when she saw the trap : Wilcox would find it easy enough to argue that the Government had not been troubled by the strike .
23 But I 'm sure that once she joins you in the pool she will find it easy enough to slip into the flow of things .
24 Now that the Asian elephant has been put on the endangered list and included in the Red Data Book of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature 's Survival Service , governments will find it difficult officially to sanction catching operations .
25 After flirting with Modernism in his earlier fiction , John Fowles was to deride the whole idea as late as 1982 , with Mantissa , which makes elaborate fun of the tradition of Joyce and argues that fiction may find it hard even to survive the grinding tedium of the nouveau roman .
26 We might find it hard today to agree on a description of the differences between women and men — and perhaps they are less marked than we used to think .
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