Example sentences of "find [noun] in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He found support in the Musée Royal des Beaux-Arts and Rubenianum in Antwerp who were able to secure funds from the Crédit Communal de Belgique for an exhibition that would display the achievement of Flemish painting as part of Antwerp 's celebrations in 1993 as Cultural Capital of Europe .
2 I do not know how easy it will be to find Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow outside Japan .
3 He described how it felt to discover he was an illegitimate child , when his mother called him a bastard ; how he left home at 14 to find work in the Durham coalfields — hating his parents , hating the world , ripe for enlistment in the class struggle .
4 Sadly , my father had to find work in the Gulf just before the last war and died out there when I was three years old .
5 The same is true in the US , where the banking sector has been eager for some time now to find loopholes in the Glass-Steagall Act 1933 ( which segregates to a large extent the banking and securities business ) and expand into other , more profitable , areas of financial service activity .
6 Andy Toman and Steve Gaughan combined to find Mardenborough in the Bradford box and the striker slipped the ball past Paul Tomlinson for his sixth goal of the season .
7 Andy Toman and Steve Gaughan combined to find Mardenborough in the Bradford box and the striker slipped the ball past Paul Tomlinson for his sixth goal of the season .
8 He found Joseph in the Hungerford area , where he had rented a small farm .
9 Paul obtained it , and found lodgings in the Marylebone Road .
10 Well-known models that found favour in the UK include : the H75 , a three pickup semi in the style of Gibson/Gretsch ; the Stratotone , a very vaguely Les Paulish guitar ( often advertised as Les Paul copies in the '60s ) ; and of course the Sovereign , a big-bodied , solid-topped , double scratchplate acoustic .
11 In the late 1970s this model of curriculum development found favour in the UK .
12 AN ABANDONED puppy has found sanctuary in the Wallasey RSPCA Dogs ' Home after being dumped in a skip at Princes Dock , Liverpool .
13 Over the years graduates of the course have found employment in the United Kingdom and a number of overseas countries in a wide range of occupations .
14 Grateful for the Burford man 's help , Seb told him of finding Anna in the Wychwood Forest , adding , ‘ It 's lucky she did n't die before we found her .
15 Young men who could easily find work in the East Anglian villages during the peak periods of the farming year — haysel and corn harvest — were dismissed by farmers after the harvest , and often spent the whole winter hanging about without work and without any form of subsistence except the parish or the charity of their family .
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