Example sentences of "find [adv] in the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Rivalling the Indus River dolphin for the dubious distinction of most endangered dolphin , is the baiji or Chinese river dolphin , a little-known species found only in the Yangtze River .
2 If one can hazard one generalization from the responses to this question , it is that the early enthusiasm for undergraduate interdisciplinary ventures which was evident in the 1970s has now given way to a more ambivalent attitude , perhaps because the practical institutional and professional problems have become more evident , a view found also in the OECD ‘ Interdisciplinarity Revisited ’ report ( Levin and Lind 1985 ) .
3 The Indus River dolphin is found only in the Indus River and its tributaries in Pakistan , and was once widespread throughout the 3200 kilometre ( 2000-mile ) river system .
4 Omitted from the last column is the term fièrement ( ‘ proudly ’ ) , found only in the Cauvin
5 This is not found directly in the USA and Japan but , if the product of per cent of employees in R&D and expenditure per head in R&D is taken as an index of R&D resources , the figures are :
6 A pattern similar to that found in the UK is found also in the USA ( Jensema and Trybus , 1976 ) , in Scandinavia ( Vestberg Rasmussen , 1973 ) , and throughout the European Community ( CEC , 1979 ) .
7 Opponents of the creation of a European currency union , to be found mainly in the UK , have directed a variety of criticisms , not always of an economic nature , against the EC decision to proceed with the implementation of the principal proposals of the Delors Plan .
8 The marked language of the Miller 's Tale , swyve and pisse , is found again in the Reeve 's Tale ; fartynge is not named as such in the Reeve 's Tale , but is included with a circumlocution that uses a marked term we have seen in the Shipman 's Tale : The miller 's boast : is no doubt intended to be simply proverbial , but has a richly ironic meaning in light of the " beard " that Absolon finds upon obtaining his kiss from Alison ( 3730 – 43 ) .
9 When I asked him about the college he volunteered only that it was an experimental community of researchers and students — ‘ the kind of imaginative endeavour you will find only in the States . ’
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