Example sentences of "man were [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Pictures of a man were flashed upon the screen in rapid succession .
2 At one wedding the bridegroom and best man were standing on the wrong place , with the best man prompting a tongue-tied groom in a stage whisper .
3 Overall the level of wealth was slightly raised in the subsidy , indeed by more than 25 per cent — from £57 to £71 — in the Newport hundreds where many more men were swept into the net .
4 To imagine what it would have been like a hundred years ago , when men were swinging over the cliffs on ropes made of horsehair , and climbing the soaring pinnacles of Stac Lee and Stac an Armin to harvest the gugas , the young gannets which would ensure they survived the next winter .
5 In Washington , DC , in 1989 nearly four times as many black men were jailed in the district 's prison as graduated from its public schools ; the leading cause of death among young black men is murder .
6 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
7 The tall grass on the other side of the river was still wet with dew and before they had gone fifty yards all the men were drenched to the waist .
8 More men were struck in the Dutch battalions , but most balls went overhead for the French gunners were firing a fraction too high .
9 The two men were born in the same region , the Transkei , but whereas Mr Mandela was a distinguished personage of royal blood , Mr Sisulu came from an impoverished peasant family and engaged in politics as a consequence of his exposure to the daily indignities of life for blacks through his work in a dairy , a bakery , in mines and factories .
10 About 720 men were employed at the colliery .
11 Soon , several dozen men were employed in the trade , working in cottages or small factories .
12 In a population of working age where females out-numbered males , only 29,000 women compared with 65,815 men were employed in the above groups .
13 For this survey more than 1,000 British men were contacted at the end of last year and the beginning of this .
14 Graham waited until the two men were seated in the cafeteria before moving down the platform to the freight car .
15 While hundreds of men were passing through the union 's offices , those of the Shipping Federation were dirty and virtually abandoned ; " not a living soul in many of them throughout the country " .
16 Instead , men were tramping through the shrubbery , parting the delphiniums , running their hands between every pansy and wallflower , even lifting the clumps of lobelia which cascaded down the side of a weathered stone urn .
17 The other two men were hit by the two gunmen as they stood on a nearby footpath at the spot where black taxis operate up and down Belfast 's Falls Road .
18 A group of men were leaning against the bar , their backs to the doorway .
19 Men were converging on the ring from all directions , walking with a swaying motion as their hooked boots engaged the ceiling rings .
20 A group of young men were gathered by the door .
21 In the fifteenth century it had been a practical way of making agriculture more profitable , in the sixteenth it was more likely to create a vagrancy problem as men were dispossessed from the land , and this indeed was a social issue which came to the forefront of public attention in the Tudor period .
22 The men were treated at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford .
23 Two Ulster Defence Regiment men were killed on the Killylea road in Armagh .
24 The construction of the tunnel was very difficult in the Victorian age , men were killed during the excavations , and the depth of 500ft below the surface at one point exposed numerous problems .
25 At least two ANC men were killed in the attack .
26 Eight of my men were killed in the pile-up . ’
27 Christopher Knox , defending , said O'Brian had been just 100 yards from where nine men were killed in the Gulf War friendly fire blunder .
28 About fifty men were descending into the valley and towards the farmhouse on all sides , all in kneeboots , all in blue , a dozen with Alsatians straining at the leash .
29 The story of foreign geniuses at work in California was a strange and sad one ; great men were fascinated by the excitement and power of a city devoted to movies , whilst the studios were attracted by the notion of using these aliens to make profitable and prestigious films .
30 The men were unloaded in the reception area at Long Kesh Detention Camp and placed in cubicles .
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