Example sentences of "man 's [noun sg] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If there 's absolutely no reason to fear for your children 's love , and equally no reason to doubt your man 's attachment to you , then the problem has to be rooted in you as a person .
2 ‘ Incidentally , taking the old man 's philosophy to its logical end , I presume that one would be expected to destroy an enemy machine even if one knew that , say , the pilot were injured or out of ammunition , and therefore unable to fight back . ’
3 Their failure was that , because of man 's inhumanity to his fellow beings , they did not fulfil their potential .
4 Tillich speaks further about the significance of agape when he refers to man 's relation to himself .
5 Later , when like a waking nightmare , the business was over and he was once again sitting in the cab , Mr Beecham leant towards him and said , ‘ If you will excuse us we will be returning straight to Newcastle , ’ and paused before adding , ‘ Sir Joseph , ’ which remark drew the young man 's attention to him .
6 It is possible for a man 's commitment to his fundamental principles to remain firm even though he may act in certain circumstances in a way contrary to those principles .
7 The Men 's Movement to which he has turned speaks much of the ‘ wound ’ which fathers inflict on their sons .
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