Example sentences of "man [vb past] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A man got out of the chair next to me and Darnley sat beside me .
2 One man got out of the van and grabbed the woman 's shoulder , but he went back in and the van sped off after she screamed .
3 One man got out of the car , walked up to Special Constable Glenn Goodman , 37 , assumed the combat position and fired two shots from a handgun into the officer 's chest .
4 A tall thin man came out of the shadows at the bottom of the stone steps .
5 An old man came out of the baker 's and his young dog greeted him .
6 A man came out of the haze and stood alongside looking at me .
7 As they watched , a burly man came out of the farm and crossed to one of the three barns .
8 Ruth rang the bell at the gate and a man came out of the lodge to attend to her .
9 Then the bearded man came out of the Captain 's cabin and hit Harald hard on the head with his gun .
10 The bearded man came out of the Captain 's cabin and put his hand on the girl 's arm .
11 A big young man came out of the plane with a short , thin , grey-haired one — Harald and Carl .
12 A man came out of the pantry beyond , a small man with a sharp clever face , in an apron and gaiters .
13 Then he moved aside , and a man came out of the darkness of the shop , hesitated for a fraction of a second and then turned away into the bazaar .
14 There was a pause , then the back door of the cab opened , and a very tall white man climbed out into the sun .
15 Duroc took the time to watch as a stout , middle-aged man walked out onto the freshly-hardened tarmac , stripped to the waist and beaming a beatific smile .
16 Beaming , the love-struck man walked out of the Old Bailey dock into the arms of his fiance .
17 The door to Joe 's room swung open and a man stepped out into the landing .
18 Mostly , they drank beer , so much of it that one old man stumbled out into the night entirely on automatic pilot and a middle-aged , tired-looking woman with a wooden leg lapsed into a coma .
19 The small man waddled out of the room muttering under his breath ,
20 A young man jumped out of the car , dropped the paintings and ran off but was caught by police .
21 When the power rear doors opened , the men moved out to the left and right of their vehicles , into their battle positions , and began to shoot at the enemy .
22 The London merchants of this period do not , however , represent a closely connected group of families as they had done in an earlier age : the civic upper class was constantly being renewed , either as families died out , or as successful men moved out from the city to the country .
23 Then the removal men came out of the house for the last time , wiping their brows on their once-white aprons , and then they helped down from the van a little old lady .
24 Two men came out of the house .
25 Three men came out of the rear of the house .
26 Then two more men came out of the building .
27 The fresh men piled out into the fight , driving the MacIans away from the ships for long enough to grab every Maclean they could find and heave him aboard .
28 Myeloski laughed , switched off the light , and the two men walked out of the room .
29 With a last , quizzical look at her slightly stunned expression , he waited for Mike to join him , then both men walked out of the suite , leaving her alone with Ace .
30 The three men stared out across the French countryside as the light turned first murky , then grey and finally black .
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