Example sentences of "man [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Whitehouse v Jordan [ 1981 ] , the House of Lords confirmed that an error of judgment does not automatically indicate negligence , it depends whether the error would have been made by a reasonably competent professional man professing to have the standard and type of skill that the defendant held himself out as having .
2 I 'd do a lot for Sue , but a man has to draw the line somewhere . "
3 When they saw Ruth , both men looked slightly abashed , like a pair of overgrown schoolboys , and Connor explained : ‘ This young man wants to learn the rudiments of sparring , so I said I 'd give him a few pointers .
4 Rule 41 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules ( HC 169 ) provides : ‘ A man seeking to enter the UK for marriage to a woman settled here and who intends to settle here thereafter ’ will be refused entry clearance unless the ECO is satisfied that it is not the primary purpose of the marriage to obtain admission to the UK .
5 On top of all that Prince Charles , heir to the throne and the man destined to become the Church 's supreme governor , has just split up with his wife and divorce looks likely .
6 Women are faced with an impossible situation , when if the man refuses to do the child care at the weekend and walks out , what do they do ?
7 So , by slow and painful steps , man learnt to become the hunter instead of the hunted , killing animals for food .
8 Should the man choose to chase the quail rather than shoot it , he would almost certainly still have his dinner .
9 As he waited the young man began to feel the tension knotting his stomach .
10 The prosecution said he pointed a double barrelled shotgun at the bailiff , the female tax inspector and a garage man called to tow the car away .
11 Mr. Maton had worked for many years as a solicitor 's clerk , he had not turned up for work that day , the young man sent to check the reason had found Mr. Maton dead in the kitchen , the small loaf collected on his way home from work the previous evening still in its wrapping on the table .
12 On one tape the man vows to give the woman ‘ real passion ’ in 1990 and declares : ‘ Love you , love you , love you , love you , love you . ’
13 The soldier , a member of the Royal Irish Rangers , took the 65-year-old man forced to drive the Hiace van to safety .
14 The Hull man appeared to have the angles covered when Ferguson rocked back on his heels to accept Ian Potter 's pass , but despite a standing start and only inches in which to operate , Fergie whisked past on the outside .
15 But er this is how they they wanted the work done and it was n't a question of one man had to learn the lot you just had to do work away where you were sent to work .
16 There was no look of surprise , just the nod of a deaf man trying to give the impression he can hear .
17 The man continues to read the Times and dust his suit .
18 It centres in the conviction that the very idea of God is itself a projection in which man seeks to transcend the limitations of his own finitude .
19 … as the blond man continued to brush the rain from his coat , seeming to ignore Pearce completely .
20 Father Alphie Brennan is one man battling to keep the community spirit alive , on the Heygate Estate but even he admits people are afraid .
21 Man fights to understand the power that reigns over him but this fight is itself subject to that power .
22 if the man comes to read the gas meter it will always be when you were supposed to be somewhere else half an hour ago and you 've got one leg in and one leg out of a pair of tights .
23 If the rabbits are to be shot then the man required to do the shooting must be freed from all other responsibilities .
24 He asked : ‘ When will the white man learn to tell the truth ? ’
25 Each morning there was a rota of men designated to fill the coal containers for the day — buckets for the Administration offices and the Guard Room and the barracks , sacks for the huts — from the central heap of fuel beside the compound gate .
26 In later press interviews both men promised to respect the results of future multiparty elections , which Chissano expected would be held within a year .
27 when two men tried to leave the factory in this van which they 'd stolen from the compound .
28 Men tried to burn the distaffs while the women tried to stop them by throwing buckets of water .
29 One of the masked men tried to seize the bridle of my horse .
30 As usual men want to claim the glory .
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