Example sentences of "how do [pron] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 They were by now close together , and the devil , who had got into both of them , whispered in both their ears ; McAllister had meant to ask , Now , how did we arrive at that ? and Dr Neil , who had meant to say something provocative to her , decided to do something provocative instead .
2 How did he know at once that we were guilty , she wondered later , that we were , all of us , conspirators ?
3 Can I ask generally , how did you feel at the end of that negotiations .
4 So how did I arrive at this mix ?
5 How do they fare at the hands of those who provide the services both in these later years and in the years after going out of care ?
6 How do we arrive at that figure ?
7 Various techniques can be employed in this process : ( 1 ) How do we look at pictures ?
8 How do we know at the end of six months whether they are performing well or not .
9 Perhaps the most obvious one is to do with dress , like how do you dress at a at a job interview , how do you dress in a particular sort of er function at work .
10 How do you arrive at a good idea ?
11 Aid is an outmoded concept — how do you arrive at priorities ?
12 How do you work at your task ?
13 Yes how do you see at the moment how do you and how how
14 If you have to make a supply decision , how do you get at the necessary data ?
15 How do I look at it ? xv does n't work .
16 How does one arrive at the required covariance then ?
17 How does one get at the identities of and relationships between disciplines in the actual curriculum ?
18 But how does he arrive at that figure of £327 ?
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