Example sentences of "how [noun prp] [vb past] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's how Eustace came to join the firm .
2 SHe had been impressed with how Tammuz had adjusted the machine to behave just like a real counter-girl .
3 Alan Bennett , with typical modesty , has described how Eyre managed to distil a spare and functional farce from the original version of Habeas Corpus .
4 He was n't sure how Creed had covered the distance between the window and the door .
5 The historian Cassius Dio , a contemporary of that period , related how Albinus had taken an army to Gaul to face Severus .
6 Rebecque looked up into Sharpe 's tired and dust-stained face and wondered just how Sharpe had taken a prisoner , but he knew this was no time for foolish questions .
7 The Sergeant could not but have noted how Lexandro had taken the lead …
8 Just once or twice , when he remembered , Busacher wondered how Willi managed to find the time to do all these things , and be Burgermeister , and put in a least a modicum of hours on his farm .
9 Ronni shook her head at Guido , remembering how Silvia had said the same thing to her .
10 This was not quite how Robert had planned the conversation .
11 I took him through the events of the day and in particular Graham Fearnley 's unpleasant tale of how Martinez had fixed the Curtis/Marsh contracts .
12 One of the great mysteries of the Bible , it has always seemed to me , was how Daniel managed to interpret the writing on the wall at Belshazzar 's impious feast .
13 Chapter 3 described how Skinner attempted to circumvent the thorny problem of mentalistic descriptions of language by insisting that descriptions of language focus on observable language behaviour .
14 The book of Genesis tells how God had created the world in six days and commanded the seventh to be a day of rest .
15 Earlier , the court had heard how Bedworth had run the rogue programme which generated the phone calls from his bedroom in North Parade , Ilkley , West Yorkshire .
16 I thought it was a good analogy to how Manson had affected the country , how he had really wedged himself into the American family to the extent that he 's now on the country 's most popular TV show .
17 In this context , the agrarian reform was perceived by the middle classes as decisive confirmation of how Castro intended to resolve the contradiction between his promises of social reform and his assurances that the wealthy had nothing to fear , and therefore provoked a swift backlash of opposition within Cuba .
18 That was how Volkov had discovered the real implications of his release .
19 Apart from whether the weak transmissions from a pair of £25-sets operating on the American Citizens ' Band FM frequency could have penetrated the thick walls of Blake 's cell , which were reinforced with cast-iron segments , with no external aerial and close to the 17 feet-high perimeter wall , there is also the question of how Blake managed to keep a radio in his cell without it once being noticed over six months during which he and his cell were regularly searched .
20 There was much controversy in the media about how Diana had defied the Queen to take Prince William on her first major overseas visit .
21 Last night 's developments came just 24 hours after TODAY revealed how Diana had agreed a secret pact with Charles to bury the hatchet for the sake of appearances .
22 It was jealousy , I suppose ; the fact that I had spotted a chance they had not , although I could n't get over the suspicion that their reaction to me had something to do with how Liza had told the story .
23 And we talked of the Red Fort and how Pakeezah had cried the first time she went around it as a schoolgirl .
24 Merger with the Southampton based British Seafarers was not merely a convenience , but a necessity , and Wilson , writing in his journal The Seaman exulted that " Shinwell 's patched up old derelict has run bow against the rock of the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union and ignominiously gone to the bottom " Later he gave his own version of how Shinwell had flattered the susceptible French into leaving to him the day-today business of the Glasgow branch and poisoned the minds of the members against him .
25 ‘ You get Mickey Mouse decisions when you come to Elland Road — that 's how Leeds managed to win the title .
26 Jon Pack took advantage of the five-minute interview to explain how BP had conducted a widespread consultation exercise before developing the oilfield and how it now operated the field to the highest environmental and safety standards .
27 It became a commonplace for novelists like Arnold Bennett and pioneering critics like Gilbert Seldes to talk of how Chaplin had overcome the limitations of cinema and ‘ passed beyond the form entirely . ’
28 But possibly because he had noted how Conner had lost a protest in mirror-image circumstances , he dropped his jib .
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