Example sentences of "use [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We were able to exchange ideas and opinions with them — so much so , that by the end of the day one archaeological student was using my detector over the spoil heaps , while I turned my hand to the ‘ trowel and brush . ’
2 Instead he used her remark as the perfect occasion for a quarrel .
3 Although the SPD agreed with the bill 's intention and much of its detail , it used its majority in the Bundesrat to reject the bill because it empowered the government to use telephone-tapping and mail-interception to gather evidence of illegal arms sales .
4 However , if on hearing or reading these sentences people computed their structures , which conform to standard rules of English syntax , and used their knowledge of the semantics of English to interpret these structures , they would not be misled by them .
5 During the autumn and winter of that dramatic year they put themselves at the forefront of agitation for more effective air raid precautions , and used their influence in the war factories to defend workers ’ living standards while criticizing the inefficiency of management .
6 Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on three hundred travellers from Enstone aerodrome … an act which means Police can move on travellers where there are more than twelve vcehicles camped … powers the Home and Office and certain Police forces beleiev are tough enough .
7 Coward and others used their analysis of the clusters to define what they term the ‘ research front ’ , which is the set of core journals modelling the current state of active research in a subject field .
8 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
9 The Syrians used their tanks against the leftists without compunction , but by October they were armed with a weapon far more powerful than their armour : a mandate from the Arab League to enter Beirut as an ‘ Arab Deterrent Force ’ .
10 Mercer used his pace in the second half to get in at the corner after Harmon 's effort and Forster scored after a quick-witted kick by Turner , who also kicked five goals .
11 Two weeks later the Glamorgan chairman , Tony Lewis , used his column in The Daily Telegraph to give the club 's side of the story .
12 Similarly , he used his connections with the promotion of adult education in the Workers ' Educational Association ( WEA ) and the Extra-Mural Department of London University to establish a joint and full-time crash course for a Diploma in International Affairs in the London Institution of World Affairs , of which he was the president until his death .
13 Polsky used his ability at the pool-table in his study of ‘ hustlers ’ :
14 A JOCKEY who used his whip with the severity used by Tory Whips on Maastricht rebels would be banned for life .
15 In the aftermath of the April 1981 riots in Brixton the Home Secretary , William Whitelaw , used his powers under the 1964 Police Act to appoint Lord Scarman to inquire into the events , produce a report , and make recommendations .
16 as if this were not bad enough , he used his powers on the Commission of the Peace to attack their secular rights , in the name of social justice .
17 ( Another member of the Russell family , Lord Charles , used his influence as the Queen 's Serjeant-at-Arms to get William Hale White 's father the position of Door-Keeper to the House of Commons . )
18 Richards used his influence with the Royal Society , of which he was a fellow ( 1866 ) , to arrange for scientists to sail in his ships on oceanographic cruises from the Faroe channel to the Straits of Gibraltar .
19 The prosecution had alleged that Mr Hatton used his influence on the two councillors — who chaired influential committees — to swing deals for his close friend Monk , 45 , without proper competition .
20 A friend of both Charles ( later second Earl ) Grey and Henry Brougham [ qq.v. ] , he used his influence in the northern counties to speed the passing of the Reform Bill .
21 He was a printer who used his skill for the production of a remarkable flow of opinion-forming pamphlets , and a founding father of the United States .
22 We can see how he used his knowledge for the chapters on Hannibal in Gaul of Book 3 of his histories ; but Book 24 in which he summarized his findings is lost .
23 Each used his knowledge of the faction to dismantle it .
24 Another bogus defector was code-named Fedora , possibly in reality Viktor Lessiovski , who used his work at the United Nations as a cover .
25 Mr Redwood used his debut at the Welsh Tory Conference in Llangollen at the weekend to ram home this message , which will have special meaning for Welsh-speaking communities in North Wales .
26 Miles used his connection with the starpod to dim the chamber lights , and the stars sprang into sharp relief .
27 The Duke , aware that the incumbent armourer was dead , used his interest with the Board of Ordnance , pointing out that ‘ it might serve my interest in the town of Stirling ’ .
28 In the same year he used his interest with the tenth Baron Petre to secure the parliamentary seat of Thetford ( 31 electors ) with the approval of Petre 's guardian , Charles Howard , eleventh Duke of Norfolk [ q.v . ] .
29 After Danny de Vito showed his skills as a director in Wars of the Roses he used his leverage with the money-men to bankroll a long-cherished project which has finally come to the screen as Hoffa .
30 Our opinion , they would have set it up , used your national as the contract man . ’
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