Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Social perceptions of what is or is not obscene or indecent may change but the legislation may remain to trap the unwary in a much more liberal climate ; and just because the legislation has not been used in many years that does not mean it will not be applied again .
2 Those fluent in Anglo-Saxon may prefer to consult the original text . )
3 Others may prefer to continue the addictive process rather than accept the need for personal change which they may perceive to be more painful than continuing the addiction .
4 Likewise , if you find you will need specialist equipment , even though this is easy to hire , you may prefer to leave the whole job to a specialist firm .
5 Rather than target help on those who need it most , Mr Major may prefer to protect the middle class and let the poor get poorer .
6 Therefore a potential growth stimulatory autocrine cycle may exist to explain the aggressive nature of these cancers .
7 You may want to replace the cold water system either to convert a direct system into an indirect one or to replace old lead piping ( or a rusting galvanised cistern ) with more modern copper or plastic .
8 Or you may want to compare the alcoholic strength of one wine or beer with another .
9 One dimension might be in this time , as we have seen , the mother might reach a stage where , she , it 's in her productive self interest to start another offspring , and she may want to wean the existing one , so she can do that .
10 Thus even here we may want to reduce the total time required to record the spectrum .
11 Each material has its advantages and conservatory manufacturers between them , offer all options that any potential buyer may want to make the right decision .
12 You may want to make the nice gesture , which was made to me when I first moved into a flat and I have repeated myself whenever I have moved , of leaving a plant or a box of chocolates and a note wishing the next occupants a happy life in your former home .
13 Unless such differences are taken into account , estimates of abatement costs will be inaccurate and governments may seek to control the wrong fuels .
14 However , it remains unclear how far the Soviet leadership may seek to influence the internal composition of the post-settlement Afghan regime in order to safeguard the minimal security and strategic needs of the USSR which , Moscow asserts , originally compelled the intervention of Soviet troops in Afghanistan .
15 Some students may need only to make good on areas where their performance has not been up to the Compact mark , others may need to negotiate the complete range of Compact goals at this level .
16 To give a counter-example : in a long line consisting of two-note groups , you may need to do the opposite and emphasise each second note .
17 To remove the algae which is already in the aquarium , you may need to remove the offending items and scrub them clean .
18 For example , the surveyor may consider cost the overriding criterion , whereas the client 's objective may be to complete the project in the shortest possible time .
19 In particular , GABA may act to counter the glutamate-induced excitation .
20 An art historian may choose to elucidate the social context of the art , or trace its sources in the work of other artists ; these choices will be reflected in the illustrations as well as the text , while sketches , other versions of pictures and related material will be available for the reader to make comparisons .
21 For example , if there is a single optical disk emulating a normal disk drive ( but write-once only ) , the offline manager may choose to make the optical disk for primary stores and some other large magnetic disk for secondary stores .
22 A social worker , for example , may refuse to divulge confidential information relating to a case coming before a committee , or an architect may decline to sign the necessary documents if a professional judgement is not satisfied .
23 A more sophisticated form of level two is the coalition , where partners work together for some common purpose but do not have an identity of interest or concern and where one or other of the partners may withdraw leaving the other partner(s) to continue .
24 Because EXAFS enables us to look at the atomic environment of each alkali in turn we may begin to understand the structural basis of this curious effect .
25 An ideal utilitarian like Moore may claim to have the moral insight that promise keeping is only right or obligatory , where one can not do better or as well by breaking the promise ( taking general account of effects on human trust into account ) but he can not claim that this insight is merely into how words are properly used .
26 In what follows we focus on the last of these — the possibility that debt finance may shift the burden by passing on a reduced capital stock — but the reader may like to consider the other two aspects .
27 Some members of the class , including some managers , administrators , and engineers , work directly for industry and may aspire to join the ruling class .
28 You may decide to see the entire list written down first and then to have the questions asked at random .
29 In this case , the translator may decide to encode the relevant information lexically , as in the following examples .
30 Or one may hope to use the quantifiable features of a text as an indication of the authorship of a text when this is in question .
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