Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally when unsuspecting , perhaps elderly , landowners have signed option agreements without legal or professional advice , and the resulting mark-up by the speculator is excessive , the developer may feel tainted by the procedures involved .
2 A manager may feel threatened by the seeming erosion of his authority , or by the uncertainties created by a culture of change and flexibility .
3 You may feel pushed to the side by your baby , but the experience will bring a new maturity .
4 With some halls on campus and others off , you need to consider the pluses and minuses : the first eliminates travel time and expense but you may feel isolated from the wider community ; the second involves travel time and fares but provides more choice of shops and entertainment , with an escape from the enclosed campus .
5 Fathers and mothers may feel challenged by the looks , physical strength and sexual attractiveness of their sons and daughters .
6 They may feel discouraged at the magnitude of the task before them , and gain a sense of achievement and control by isolating parts and dealing with them thoroughly .
7 In other words , the initial credit inducement may become accepted as the norm , thus shunting all cash inflows forwards .
8 Some voiced sounds may become devoiced under the influence of surrounding voiceless sounds : the /L/ in play has very little voicing ; the /r/ in tray loses some voicing , making it slightly fricative ; the /v/ in fivepence will also be devoiced ( because of the /p/ ) and may even be assimilated to a voiceless /f/ : / " faifpens/ .
9 Finally , the inevitable imbalance may become exacerbated by the bias of collectors .
10 There are cases , however , where the military has seen itself as a force for modernization , particularly in societies perceived to be ruled by traditional elites , and where the military may become imbued with the norms of Western processes of industrialization to the extent that it seeks to impose them on society .
11 Theoretically ( it would be argued ) these items may become detached from the flea and be lost in the collections .
12 Examples of this may be : the agoraphobic person who never goes out because they believe they will collapse and die of a heart attack ; the lift phobic who believes they may become trapped in the lift and suffocate to death ; a person who avoids meeting others because , if a disagreement starts , they believe they will lose their temper and hit people ; and last , a person may obsessively check the locks on doors and windows , believing that somebody is bound to break into the house if they fail to make these checks .
13 If the number of managerial jobs does not continue expanding , more and more men may become trapped in the way that female clerks already are .
14 Frequently , however , there is also an ingrowth of the sternum near their origin so that they are carried inwards and the whole forms a Y-shaped structure , the furca , whose internal arms may become fused with the pleural arms or are connected with them by short muscles .
15 Whereas boys may become alienated from the means of learning , girls would be alienated more swiftly by the content of learning .
16 In a few years , the sward may become dominated by the coarse tussock-forming grass , Brachypodium pinnatum , and eventually the vegetation turns into some form of scrub and possibly woodland .
17 The basket should not be closed too tightly as many duct stones are soft and the basket wires may become embedded in the stone so that it can not be released .
18 Two dangers of the purchaser-provider split are that collaboration among health care professionals may be undermined and the provider aspects of the public health role may become removed from the purchasing role .
19 One main street , set roughly at right angles , ran north and south from it ; its northern arm , possibly Flavian in date , aimed at the southern end of the modern High Street where the south gate of the fortified centre was probably later established ; a slight shift towards the west in its alignment in the late second century may have coincided with the construction of the first defences .
20 Unsettled conditions among the western Saxons , therefore , may have prevailed in the aftermath of Caedwalla 's abdication .
21 In his review of man , vegetation and the sediment yields of rivers Douglas suggested that little account had previously been taken of human influence and his studies of rates of erosion in a wide range of climatic conditions in eastern Australia suggested that the present sediment yields are far in excess of those which may have prevailed in the geological past .
22 Pollen and ovule eating may have begun in the Carboniferous , the first ‘ modern ’ group with such mandibles , the Coleoptera , appearing in the Permian , with Diptera and Hymenoptera in the Triassic , and Lepidoptera in the Lower Cretaceous .
23 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
24 Again , a company may have complained to the Commission that the conduct of a business competitor amounted to a breach of Article 85 or 86 .
25 Film critics may have disagreed on the merits of Batman Returns , but they did seem to reach a consensus on at least one thing .
26 Belief in the cyclical nature of the universe found its apotheosis in the concept of the Great Year , which the Greeks may have inherited from the Babylonians .
27 If the company had been solvent and considering a civil action against the Bank , it would not be allowed to take pretrial depositions from those who may have participated in the fraud .
28 A British historian writing in 1900 may have written under the influence of a glorious Empire , or ardent early socialism .
29 You may have noticed over the last three slides that several of sites have had a zero er percentage registered and we certainly feel that in a couple of these sites this was probably due to poor note-keeping rather than a percentage .
30 Yes , the missus did the child you may have noticed in the sitting-room at ‘ La Felicità ’ …
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