Example sentences of "may [be] make [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Taormina , the Corso Umberto — the town 's main thoroughfare — caters to all fashionable tastes , and the winding back streets offer a range of shops with specialities which range from delicately embroidered blouses which may be made to measure , colourful pottery and terracotta statuettes dressed in 18th century costumes .
2 Informal enquiries may be made to Professor David Storey on 0203–523692 or the Director of the S.M.E. Centre , Ian Watson on 0203–523741 , extension 2233 .
3 Informal enquiries may be made to Professor David Storey on 0203–523692 .
4 In special cases , such as late enrolment , arrangements may be made for payment on arrival .
5 The practical effect of this provision is that if an MNP is formed by , say , a merger of a foreign legal firm and an English firm , the firm name used by either may be adopted as the name of the MNP if it is made up of the names of present or former principals who are or were lawyers ; a new name may be used derived from the names of one or more present or former principals of either firm ; a name previously approved by the Council may be used ; or application may be made for approval in writing by the Council of a name which does not otherwise comply with the requirements of rule 11(1) ( A ) .
6 Application may be made for entry to these courses in the normal fashion .
7 Grants may be made for items such as the installation of a prepayment meter , reconnection charges and essential household equipment such as cookers and heaters .
8 Batches may be produced to order and forwarded direct to the customer , as in the production of subcomponents for another manufacturer , or they may be made for stock .
9 Analogous distinctions between band envelopes may be made for Raman spectra of gaseous asymmetric tops , but they are not commonly used .
10 Special arrangements may be made for candidates with disabilities : details are given in the Administrative Arrangements booklet .
11 Special arrangements may be made for candidates with disabilities : details are given in the Administrative Arrangements booklet .
12 There was one major shock in that he did not increase the ‘ pensions cap ’ — the maximum level of earnings for which pension provision may be made with tax relief .
13 If in the opinion of the court a summons for recovery of land can not be served in accordance with Ord 7 , rr 4 – 10 , an order may be made on request in N 220 for service on the husband or wife of the defendant , a person living with but not married to the defendant , or upon anyone who is or appears to be authorised by the defendant to reside or carry on business in the premises , to manage them or to safeguard or deal with the premises or contents thereof ( Ord 7 , r 15(1) — ( 3 ) ) .
14 On the pre-trial review applications may be made on notice for reference to arbitration , albeit more than £1,000 is in issue ( Ord 19 , r 2(2) and ( 5 ) ) .
15 The criteria for an Order for Consolidation , which may be made on application or by the court , are the same as for joinder of parties , viz a common question of law or fact , the relief sought arises out of the same transaction , or , " it is desirable " for " some other reason " .
16 Additionally , where sums in excess of £1,000 are involved , reference to arbitration may be made on application in the request or particulars of claim , the defence or counterclaim , or an application under Ord 13 , r 1 ( Ord 19 , r 2(1) , and ( 2 ) ) .
17 Such an order may be made on application on notice by any party before the hearing under Ord 13 , r 1 ; or on application by any party at the hearing ; or at any stage of the proceedings by the court of its own motion ( Ord 19 , r 7 ) .
18 Among the honours courses special mention may be made of Drama , which offers coverage beyond the purely English field as well as the opportunity for practical theatre work in ‘ drama workshops ’ .
19 For butchery and meat product work valuable use may be made of alkali degreasers and caustic cleaners if surface materials and safety permit .
20 Prints may be made of hands spread or with fingers close together .
21 But in other cases , an application for a declaration or injunction may be made under Order 53 but may alternatively be made by way of an action begun by writ or originating summons .
22 It is common ground that in a majority of cases where an order may be made under section 18 for the payment by the Board to the unassisted party of the costs of appellate , as opposed to first instance , proceedings , the Court of Appeal or this House will be in a position at the conclusion of an appeal on the information then before it to decide under section 18(3) what , if any , order for costs should be made against the assisted party and to form at least a provisional view under section 18(4) ( c ) as to whether it would be ‘ just and equitable in all the circumstances of the case that provision for the costs should be made out of public funds . ’
23 Where that has happened an order may be made under section 61(1) directing steps to be taken to remedy the contravention .
24 If a situation occurs where the Policyholder is unable to continue with his usual profession or occupation , but is now working in a sedentary position , a claim may be made under item 5 .
25 An application may be made without notice to the other parties unless the court directs otherwise .
26 Two particular points may be made about offences of physical violation .
27 But in 1.4 we argued that monism is more suited to opaque than transparent styles of writing , and the same point may be made about pluralism .
28 Three interrelated points may be made about professionalism :
29 A supervision order may be made pending appeal if the child is the subject of an interim supervision order at the time of dismissal .
30 Searches may be made through subject headings ( though these are too broad to be really useful ) , or more effectively — at least in the pure and applied sciences — through keywords or combinations of keywords in the titles of books listed .
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