Example sentences of "may [be] [verb] on a " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty is that the group arrangements may be conducted on a daily basis , making it difficult to calculate an exact balance on the morning of completion .
2 He pointed out that there would be nothing in the Act to meet what is itself a mischief frequently encountered today , namely , industrial espionage or obtaining information as to security details or other confidential information which may be stored on a company 's computer .
3 The salad may be served on a bed of raw spinach .
4 ( b ) Service and acknowledgment A writ or originating summons may be served on a firm in any of the following ways : ( 1 ) by service on any one or more of the partners ; or ( 2 ) by personal service at the principal place of business on the manager of the firm ; or ( 3 ) by post to the principal place of business ; ( 4 ) in such other manner as may be agreed between the parties ( see Kenneth Allison Ltd v A E Limehouse & Co [ 1991 ] 3WLR 672 ) .
5 His hemiplegic hip may be supported on a folded towel for the same reason , and he needs sheepskin muffs to protect his heels from pressure sores .
6 I may be getting on a bit but I still know a thing or two . ’
7 Knowles ( 1978 ) , who is particularly critical of Labov , argues that while the assumption that variants of a variable may be placed on a single social and phonetic continuum makes quantification relatively easy , it also oversimplifies the real range of choices open to speakers .
8 There is at the moment a greater demand than available parking places and applicants may be placed on a waiting list for a time .
9 There is at the moment a greater demand than available parking places and applicants may be placed on a waiting list for a time .
10 These claims , for accounting periods beginning on or after 2 October 1992 , may be made on a quarterly basis similar to that currently used in accounting for franked payments/ — investment income and interest paid/received under deduction of income tax .
11 A like order may be made on a counterclaim .
12 This may be justified on a variety of hard to refute grounds , such as the person is needed to keep production or a service going without disruption .
13 This may be confirmed on a few sites by the presence of a small cemetery over the site of the original house , after it had been thoroughly demolished , since some of the graves have been dug into the wall foundations , showing an ignorance of their existence .
14 If these steps are not taken , the council can take the offender to the magistrates ' court and a fine of up to £2,000 may be payable — and the fine may be repeated on a continuing basis if the notice is still not complied with .
15 Acyclovir may be given on a long term basis to people with HIV who have had an attack of shingles , or have frequent attacks of herpes simplex .
16 Obvious examples are at Avebury in Wiltshire and Knowlton in Dorset , but Maxey church in Northamptonshire may be built on a barrow , at Berwick in Sussex there is a large mound , probably a barrow , in the churchyard , and at Rudston in Yorkshire there is a large prehistoric monolith next to the chancel of the church .
17 This resulting increase in impedance between the electrodes may be observed on a pen recorder .
18 Check , recharge and/or change as required any ion exchange media that you may be using on a frequent and routine basis .
19 Specifically , present defence thinking may be based on a too-narrow paradigm of deterrence theory , and a set of assumptions about the world that are at best highly questionable , at worst lunatic .
20 There are other indications that Mancini 's account , for all its overt criticism of the duke , may be based on a version of events originating in the circle around Gloucester .
21 In particular , annual sales forecasts may be based on a series of different methods , whether these be subjective , statistical or qualitative .
22 The Ora Maritima by Avienus may be based on a Massaliote periplous of the sixth or fifth century B.C. ( though this is a modern conjecture on shaky foundations ) .
23 There are other indications that Mancini 's account , for all its overt criticism of the duke , may be based on a version of events originating in the circle around Gloucester .
24 What criteria must be satisfied before options may be written on a company 's shares and explain what these criteria are supposed to achieve ?
25 Such a pattern , however , may be organised on a time-related basis .
26 Those for the MSc , MBA , LLM , MMus , MEd and MTH are generally of 12 months full-time duration ( and may be offered on a part-time basis over 24–36 months ) .
27 Butterfly eggs may be laid on a wide variety of plants , though each type of butterfly has its preferences .
28 The outside ends may be finished on a disc sander .
29 The fact that a greater variety of messages may be broadcast on a vastly greater scale does not alter the fact that the central messages are still and more powerfully those of the capitalist global system .
30 Sessions may be timetabled on a regular basis — once a fortnight or once every five lessons , say — or it may be left to teachers to request the room when they want to use video .
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