Example sentences of "may [be] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They may be coerced by others
2 Then again , I may be struck by lightning before I reach the church .
3 Free language indexing may be conducted by humans or computer .
4 KS can also affect internal organs , and may be treated by chemotherapy .
5 Candida ( thrush ) occurs inside the mouth and may be treated by drops , lozenges or tablets of anti-fungal drugs , eg ‘ Nystatin ’ or ‘ Fluconazole ’ .
6 At your age it may be caused by diverticulitis , a polyp , or some other disorder of the colon , which might need specialist treatment .
7 Some of your stress may be caused by problems at home , particularly if say you 've got teenagers .
8 Conflict may be caused by differences in the objectives of different groups or individuals .
9 The lack of such a maximum at Cape Grim leaves open the possibility that they may be caused by phenomena other than , or in addition to , increased transport from the stratosphere in springtime , such as enhanced photochemical production of ozone at that time .
10 I am advised that if an implant is successful it would reduce the need for medication and would therefore reduce the likelihood of the side effects that may be caused by drug treatment .
11 Estimates of the reduction in global ozone concentration which may be caused by CFCs have varied from 3 to 20 per cent ( figure 6.4 ) ( Hulm , 1982 ; US National Research Council , 1982a , 1984 ) .
12 Similar lesions , although only transient and pinpoint , may be caused by A. caninum larvae .
13 The report offers further evidence that some cases of childhood leukaemia may be caused by infection and not , as has been previously been suggested , by exposure to such things as nuclear radiation .
14 This approach to diseases that may be caused by micro-organisms has wide ranging implications .
15 If you have symptoms that you think may be caused by food intolerance you should not feel affronted if the doctor 's initial questions seem rather personal and irrelevant to the aches and pains being suffered .
16 Incontinence may be caused by disease or infection , or because a person finds it difficult to reach or use a toilet .
17 Their absence may be noted by devices like ‘ optical mark readers ’ and ‘ swipe cards ’ which log them in and out of each lesson .
18 Purely procedural rules may be binding by reference to the rules in force at the time when the procedure is applied .
19 However , actions may be challenged by others with hindsight and an engineer may have to establish the facts in the face of a hostile situation .
20 The report also looks at a wide variety of other Scottish buildings which have been allowed to deteriorate or may be destroyed by development .
21 Such a corporation has a trading character , which may be destroyed by libel .
22 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
23 subcommittees may be appointed by committees to relieve the parent committee of some of its routine work ; or
24 The content validity of individual items may be determined by inspection by someone with expertise in the area of language assessment .
25 The time of germination , flowering , fruiting , or leaf-fall and general senescence , may be determined by day length — for day length , after all , is a much more reliable indicator of the time of year than temperature is , for example .
26 Continental standards may be determined by volume , and the ratio of down may not be so high . )
27 The functions which may be exercised by parish , town and community councils are nearly all concurrent functions with district councils .
28 Third , and most important , is Rawls ' blindness to the possibility that the social role of a doctrine of justice may be met by consensus concerning the second best , given that an ideal constitution is not feasible .
29 ‘ The household expenses may be met by funds in trust , you know , and not your expectations from the will . ’
30 The P3A + variant which is constitutively expressed , may be generated by ‘ default ’ selection by the splicing machinery , while the expression of P3A - variant in skeletal muscle may be regulated by cell specific trans acting factors .
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