Example sentences of "may [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Over evolutionary time it will cease to be a parasite , will cooperate with the host , and may eventually merge into the host 's tissues and become unrecognizable as a parasite at all .
2 In an organization , they may rarely come to the attention of a predominantly male management in ways that give them power and encouragement .
3 There is no point in denying them , even though we may justifiably quibble about the subjectivity of palaeontologists , the imprecision of the boundaries and the importance of the hidden gaps .
4 We may only conjecture about the degree to which these subjective assessments were influenced by prior experience of the school in other contexts , the existence of good or bad relations between the reporter and the staff of the school , and the personal prejudices and preferences of the individual concerned .
5 Section 16(8) of the Act says the search may only extend to the purpose for which the warrant is issued .
6 In these few words we may only point to the kaleidoscope of enthusiasm and activity by secondees that has been generated across the country in such a short space of time .
7 Only a parent has such a right , and even then the parent may only act in the best interests of the patient .
8 ‘ The Commission may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted , according to the generally recognised rules of international law . ’
9 If you want to redirect the Printer output , you may so do with the following CLI commands : The following additional commands are only effective from within a CLI file or from redirected input .
10 In the end it may all depend on the depth of Richard Branson 's pocket , in moments of nostalgia even he may wonder if he sold the wrong business .
11 If two male or two female cats find themselves together , sexually aroused but lacking suitable mates , one member of the pair may suddenly switch to the mating pattern of the ‘ wrong ’ sex .
12 As a further disincentive footpaths may suddenly disappear under the plough or new fences are erected across them , signposts mysteriously vanish and perhaps an unsociable bull is ( illegally ) posted in a field transversed by a path .
13 A problem may obviously arise for the builder where the nominated supplier makes deliveries late in the month and the relevant invoices are not available at the date of the valuation .
14 Returning now to our basic theory , we see that the extension of Freud 's monotraumatic theory of human social evolution to a polytraumatic one allows us to discern in human cultural evolution a pattern which , if it should prove to be real , may perhaps represent for the human sciences something like the revolution introduced into the physical sciences by Copernicus , Kepler and Galileo .
15 I want to pay particular attention to present practice and to what may perhaps happen in the years ahead .
16 A similar mechanism may perhaps account for the fact that some group-living animals drive sick or injured individuals out of the group .
17 This interpretation of the doctrine is silent on whether individual political action ( voting in elections etc. ) may rightly aim at the promotion of some conception of the good .
18 Intermediate Members may normally enrol on the Professional Diploma Course but may be required to undertake , in the early part of the course , a schedule of bridging studies designed to fill any gaps in their profile of achievement .
19 The tendency to leave paid employment at or even before the age of eligibility for state pension may or may not continue into the future .
20 Nevertheless , TNCs do introduce much useable technology into the Third World , and while it may not lead to the conquest of global markets it may still have a very positive effect on industry and employment in particular countries .
21 Today , with an irresistible single behind them , OCS may or may not stand on the threshold of a wonderfully fresh new scene : they have successfully meshed the musical phenomenon of the past couple of years with a sound of their heroes , The Beatles and the Stones .
22 It may or may not result in the board of the offeror company retaining control , depending on the voting rights they control and the support they get from the enlarged body of shareholders .
23 Because there are many types of surgery the examples used may not relate to the patients you encounter on your first surgical ward .
24 Moustaches shall not extend below the vermilion border of the upper lip or the corners of the mouth and may not extend to the side more than one-quarter inch beyond the corners of the mouth …
25 But I am worried that the Alsace revival may not reach beyond the basic , honest certainly but not very exciting , supermarket wines .
26 A force fit will touch all four sides but may or may not reach to the bottom .
27 Of course , the state is not insulated from economic pressures or political demands from the working class and other groups , but this analysis suggests that it will respond to them in ways which are to its own advantage , which may not coincide with the narrowly defined interests of capital or other political forces .
28 The point is that the set of products which are socially relevant to the group-optimality calculation may not coincide with the set which are actually controlled by the firm in question .
29 According to FSP scholars , restrictions on word order in various languages result in a linear arrangement that may or may not coincide with the interpretative arrangement of an utterance .
30 Therefore , gaining resources may not depend on the logic of the case but on a number of other factors .
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