Example sentences of "may [verb] they [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Little is known about the effect of different care settings on the children 's education though the fact that many foster parents and residential staff have had limited educational opportunities themselves may influence them in the importance they attach to the children 's success in school .
2 In examining these conflicts and changes the particular aims of the researchers are to : elucidate the changes that occurred in the UK defence science and technology system in the 1980 's and to analyse their dynamics and interactions ; ii identify and examine the assumptions about the future being made by firms and governments to guide their current decision-making in this area ; iii consider whether clear and stable structural trends are emerging , and the factors that may influence them in the 1990's , including the transition to a single European market ; iv establish a better framework for assessing contemporary developments in defence technology policy and their consequences for other areas of science and technology policy .
3 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
4 If they are predominantly female , and 83 per cent of part-timers are , the equal pay legislation may entitle them to the same benefits and conditions as their full-time colleagues .
5 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
6 Its practical object is to gain access to certain documents disclosed by the Police Complaints Authority ( ‘ P.C.A. ’ ) by order of this court for use in a criminal appeal , so that C.N.L. may use them in the libel action .
7 You may see them during the summer when they rest in Britain .
8 If rail travel gets worse before it gets better , voters may dump them at the next general election .
9 Mail-order firms invariably have an arrangement whereby , if customers are not satisfied with the goods received , they may return them at the firm 's expense without any questions being raised .
10 For suppose that the disuse of meat causes a permanent distaste for it , and that an increased demand for fish continues long enough to enable the forces by which its supply is governed to work out their action fully ( of course oscillation from day to day and from year to year would continue : but we may leave them on the side ) .
11 Outside there is an attractive walled garden with mature sycamore trees , herbaceous borders and a lawn which is home to a wide variety of birds , who are encouraged to visit the dining room window , where guests may observe them with the aid of the proprietor 's binoculars and telescope !
12 To the men and women who wait in its shadow with the ground rumbling under them and the volcanic ash hiding the sun , it is a terrifying reality which may drive them to the most desperate expedients .
13 Resolution 242 may get them around the same table but it leaves the real bones of contention untouched .
14 ‘ Forget about the bullets , we may find them in the morning . ’
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