Example sentences of "may [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He may regard me as an amateur but the fact is that , due to physical difficulties , I can not pull and twist in a horizontal mode and so I invoked gravity to assist .
2 After all , when our western doctor 's diagnosis or treatment turns out to be ineffective we may regard him as a useless quack , but we do not also conclude that the entire system of medical science is erroneous .
3 Academics regard bias as a sin , but others may regard it as a virtue .
4 For example , Christians may regard it as an expression of Christian love to convert others to Christ , and they may consider it their moral duty to urge men to follow Christ .
5 With the hot spell set to continue , doctors now fear some people may expose themselves to the risk of skin cancer.Gareth Furby reports .
6 As we have seen , such organisations tend to be dominated by formal rules and by committees which may lend themselves to the more autocratic style of leadership .
7 Little is known about the effect of different care settings on the children 's education though the fact that many foster parents and residential staff have had limited educational opportunities themselves may influence them in the importance they attach to the children 's success in school .
8 In examining these conflicts and changes the particular aims of the researchers are to : elucidate the changes that occurred in the UK defence science and technology system in the 1980 's and to analyse their dynamics and interactions ; ii identify and examine the assumptions about the future being made by firms and governments to guide their current decision-making in this area ; iii consider whether clear and stable structural trends are emerging , and the factors that may influence them in the 1990's , including the transition to a single European market ; iv establish a better framework for assessing contemporary developments in defence technology policy and their consequences for other areas of science and technology policy .
9 I may treat you as a grown-up person , may I not ?
10 In the north and east the Curled or Lesser Octopus Eledone cirrhosa may treat you with a colourful appearance .
11 For example , a representation of a law court could tell us something about the role of judges , lawyers , jury , witnesses : representations of the silent system within prisons may convey something of the nature of that practice .
12 We have shown how group frequencies derived from experience with other molecules may be used to suggest assignments for particularly characteristic bands , and how the use of isotopes may assist us in the deduction of molecular structure and of the types of atoms involved in each mode .
13 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
14 If we do not need all that DP equipment now we may need it in the future .
15 And it may tempt you into a mid-morning snack of chocolate biscuits or worse .
16 Meanwhile , Unix System Labs , which has a good server story but may lack something on the desktop end like applications , is reportedly trying to get Quorum interested in Destiny .
17 We suspect that he may know something about the downing of this plane that we do n't know he knows , if you follow me .
18 The reasons for failure are more likely to be due to people problems , which may show themselves by the lack of cooperation when the information system is being developed and a resistance to the changes that occur when the application is implemented .
19 Our highest and most serious imaginative inventions may show themselves in the medium of the arts .
20 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
21 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
22 If they are predominantly female , and 83 per cent of part-timers are , the equal pay legislation may entitle them to the same benefits and conditions as their full-time colleagues .
23 For example , being born in a neighbourhood may entitle you to a higher place in the queue for housing provided by that local authority .
24 They may feel New York for the first time because its fast-dealing busyness is something the screen does n't catch and may smell it for the first time if they come in high summer but one of the great first sights of the world is gone for ever .
25 Try eating a small amount of a low-fat , high-carbohydrate food before each meal , otherwise you may stuff yourself in a futile attempt to be satiated then eat a rich pudding anyway , since all you really wanted was the carbohydrate .
26 See your doctor if spots are severe and he may send you to a dermatologist .
27 Or a ready-made team may present itself with a management buy-out , buy-in or acquisition .
28 They identify people who need counselling help and may refer them to the priest or minister ; they recognize their own rituals as important aids to grieving .
29 If you feel that you may be losing too much hair , do see your doctor , who may refer you to a special hair clinic .
30 a doctor who will give advice and treatment and may refer you to a specialist drug-abuse centre for help ;
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