Example sentences of "very [adj] about the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Guide and Small Prints , ( 1814 ) , he is very specific about the exact spot from which a particular scene should be drawn .
2 ‘ Was Grandad very upset about the seamed stockings ? ’ he said , gently .
3 ‘ She is very upset about the whole thing . ’
4 1967 was the year that the Isle of Man Railway reopened and I was feeling very emotional about the whole affair , with good reason , as the idea of the Isle of Man without a railway was quite unthinkable .
5 John became ‘ rather cool and offhand ’ now that he was master of the situation , ‘ bringing all my charms into action , but making it seem that I was very blasé about the whole thing . ’
6 He is very dismissive about the famous reading of a Shakespeare sonnet by Jakobson and Jones , which minutely analyses its linguistic features , and emerges with a banal paraphrase which , Thurley remarks , ‘ any schoolboy would scorn to produce ’ .
7 Now to me that means that that , that city organisation must have been very doubtful about the whole future of the Maxwell organisation when it was getting to that stage , and if one looks through the , through the Writs , you know which now , now number about the same number of pages as the as the Good Report , you know you will get an er a feeling of what Maxwell was doing and how that was all all being happened and with leaving all of that with I M R O we just do n't think it 's going to er er we do n't think it would have saved the position .
8 He was very brave about the whole thing , crawling up to his feet and telling me it did n't hurt a bit .
9 The books is very clear about the yawning gap between the two classes of rich and poor .
10 You were always very honest about the one area in which you lacked expertise , which was economics .
11 Call it whimsy if you will , but I have always thought , privately , there was something very similar about the two of them , the Alice Liddell and her captain Tabitha Jute .
12 Both books imply what childhood should be like by being very straightforward about the present reality for all too many of the world 's children .
13 You have over DM 50 million tied up in the project but you are very patient about the eventual time of launch .
14 I really , I really get the impression that there 's , there 's , it 's incredibly sort of nobody really knows what to do , you know , there 's this big turbulent thing just happening and people are very confused about the whole thing because the M May the fourth directive is n't particularly er it did n't give anybody an absolute guideline , guide to erm what to do .
15 In the days following , press reports started to appear that I , and indeed Ken Clarke who as Minister of State for Health was still outside the Cabinet , were very unhappy about the new emphasis of policy .
16 I was very curious about the other contents of the suitcase which was now lying on the floor near me .
17 On the other hand , there have always been people in the Christian Church who were very sure about the Holy Spirit .
18 The security people were very uptight about the whole business . ’
19 The interesting exception comes in the lead up to the 1979 election , when people were very harsh about the past period ( during a Labour administration ) but hopeful for the future ( which was to be under Conservative administration ) ; however , gloomy expectations about the future soon followed that 1979 election .
20 The Yugoslav government has always been very concerned about the wide regional differences in economic achievement .
21 We 're very concerned about the environmental effects of those links into Harrogate .
22 ‘ We are very concerned about the revised proposals because they are going to exclude the vast majority of contamination from the registers , ’ says Sean Humber , waste campaigner with Friends of the Earth .
23 As a cyclist who rides for both leisure and commuting I am very concerned about the proposed local government reorganisation into unitary Councils .
24 ‘ The YMCA has now taken on a much more important role , ’ says the genial Mr Hewitt , who is very concerned about the homeless .
25 I was also getting very concerned about the anti-dog stance of many local councils .
26 She was a tough girl with an abrasive manner , and seemed very knowledgeable about the seamy side of life .
27 We could n't work it out , although I noticed that Terry was being very cool about the whole thing .
28 Some climbers are very enthusiastic about the new proposal , recognising that the current system needs revising and bringing up to date .
29 I am very enthusiastic about the great range and quality of speciality cheeses available in this country . ’
30 She is not very enthusiastic about the light rail proposals , but er she sees the park and ride as an excellent idea , but as she said , it 's not exactly inviting to leave your car in er a car park which is not necessarily big enough , which has n't got a proper surface , is n't properly lit , is n't supervised , has great big notices up that say there are thieves about , and where the bus service stops at half past six .
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