Example sentences of "very [adj] [prep] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the conditions are very very different in every place , so if you go to Honduras , erm they have 2 million hectares of tropical forest , which is scarcely being used at all to the use of timber , but is being steadily cut down , and turned into , first peasant agriculture , and second , ranching .
2 But we were the staff and er er my uncle Jonathan was a very victorian in every way .
3 Shanti and Chris were very helpful in every way , and Shanti 's ready laughter and general cheerfulness was a great comfort .
4 acknowledg 'd that the characters of the men were very unexceptionable in every respect … but the Statutes of the Univy , he thought , obliged him to proceed in this Manner — thus is Persecution carried on under the masque of Mildness and Moderation . ’
5 The career is very rewarding in every sense .
6 Benjamin was clearly an ambitious and careful man , neither dissolute nor spendthrift , and was probably very conservative in every way ; he had made himself respectable in Victorian terms , generating enough of a cash surplus by a lifetime of hard work and good fortune to build up that stock of 3 per cent Bank Annuities and accumulate a healthy balance with the London Provident Savings Bank .
7 The paralleling of Sweeney and the Cyclops here does on a small scale the work of the anthropologists ' comparative method , ‘ to make manifest the similarities and identities underlying the customs of races very remote in every way from each other ’ , though both are part of the ‘ mind of Europe ’ .
8 Be very aware on every row , when working on the left-hand side of the machine , that the carriage should completely clear the patterning panel EACH row .
9 THERE was plenty of action and exciting moments in the Eastend this week , as the grand major finals herald the close of the Harp East domestic pool league , which overall , was very competitive in every aspect of the game .
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