Example sentences of "any [adj] [prep] [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 They are , characteristically , endowed with immense numbers of physical and social properties , any one of which may be the property which is relevant to a particular communicative act .
2 A further example of this is shown in Table 8.1 ; each personnel record holds a number of fields , any one of which may be used as a key .
3 As a matter of drafting it is important to ensure that the grounds are treated as separate so that any one of which may be taken by the remaining partners as justifying the service of an expulsion notice .
4 The delight of the Gloucester supporters was in no way diminished by the fact that Barnes had missed three easy kicks at goal , any one of which would have wrapped up the game for Bath .
5 He deduced that the name might formerly have been Craingeau , Graingeau or Gringaud , any one of which would be pronounced sufficiently like Cranko to become transformed .
6 Even if that factor exists , the outcome may be ‘ overdetermined ’ ; that is , produced by several pressures any one of which would be powerful on its own .
7 The Churchill Bill in 1986 included a list of proscribed depictions any one of which would attract a conviction for obscenity irrespective of context or effect on the viewer .
8 The uncertain boundaries of the duchy gave rise to numerous disputes , any one of which might flare up into a major conflict , as the war of Saint Sardos demonstrated .
9 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
10 Any one of which could win you £50,000 in cash .
11 Any one of which could win you £50,000 in cash .
12 At the same time she could n't help but wonder about the fact that in the space of twelve months he had been involved in three relationships , Anna Wallace , Amanda Knatchbull and herself , any one of which could have ended in marriage .
13 Any one of which could get you either hospitalized or excommunicated .
14 Three general principles can be applied to remedy either of these problems , any one of which will work alone .
15 As a result just one Bq of Caesium-137 , contained in one litre of milk , will undergo a tiny explosion every second ; 60 explosions every minute , 3,600 explosions every hour or a total of three to seven million tiny atomic explosions in its stay in our bodies — any one of which can cause cell mutations which eventually lead to cancer or genetic damage .
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