Example sentences of "look down the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 PETER HARTLAND looks down the corridors of history and produces what he sees as the supreme England one-day team
2 Instead I was looking down the quay to where a pathetically thin girl was walking beside a smartly dressed woman .
3 Lever sat up , staring outward , then turned , looking down the aisle of the transporter .
4 Looking down the meadow to the cabin , he saw no sign yet of the other four but the Eel was very close .
5 Chalk greeted them and supplied them with beer but , as they drank , they found themselves looking down the barrels of a dozen pistols !
6 By the beginning of the third week , Charlie could only just fit his swollen toes into the heavy leather boots the army had supplied him with , but looking down the rows of feet that adorned the barrack room floor each morning he could see that none of his comrades was any better off .
7 Looking into the yawning mouth of the trap with the moonlight flickering on the wet slimy seaweed within , was not unlike looking down the throat of some attacking monster .
8 His feet are wide apart , legs straight , and his head is looking down the pitch over the left shoulder .
9 The doubts still persist that his statue-like stance — feet wide apart , legs straight and head looking down the pitch over the left shoulder — leaves him in no position to deal effectively with the fast , short delivery .
10 He stood at the edge of the slope , looking down the line of his cordon and into the turgid water .
11 It was like looking down the eye of a hurricane .
12 She found herself looking down the length of her legs , squinting through the V-shape of her feet at the gaggle of sails across the water , to try and isolate ‘ their ’ two .
13 Tom found himself looking down the barrel of a gun .
14 No , we 've got to look down the race-card for some attractive , available , acquiescent filly — and the likeliest filly is surely — ’
15 He looked suddenly suspicious that I was making fun of him , which I was n't , and grabbed me to look down the front of my dress .
16 He stood back to look down the line of her figure under the flimsy nightgown , his eyes caressing her as blatantly as if she had been naked .
17 Benjamin asked , turning his chair slightly to look down the table at Dacourt .
18 See there again we can come on here , and we can look down the back of .
19 I look down the rope into his face .
20 Now when you look down the microscope through the graticule what one sees is twenty five randomly spaced dots overlying your er section .
21 Hazel turned his head and looked down the course of the brook .
22 When , finally , the tremors stopped , she looked down the bed at his smiling shiny face .
23 Standing on the brake-van verandah , he looked down the line towards the signal box .
24 She looked down the table to Captain Meredith facing her .
25 Annie looked down the table to where her son George sat next to his wife .
26 Time passing never softened the impact of that moment when she looked down the table to where Twomey waited for Aunt Tossie to give her attention to the pudding he offered .
27 Ellie looked down the table at her father , expecting an intervention .
28 He looked down the table at Allingham .
29 Benjamin leaned forward and looked down the table at him .
30 She had reached the edge of the park and looked down the slopes to the fair in the dell on the far side .
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