Example sentences of "look out into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A gust of wind throws rain against the window and shakes the frame ; it 's loud and surprising and I flinch but he just turns slowly and looks out into the darkness with what could almost be contempt before laughing and putting an arm round my shoulder and suggesting we have another drink .
2 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
3 She was looking out into the vault of air above the sea .
4 Fiona kept her face away from him , looking out into the night , watching the vertical bright line of light the car threw onto the serried mass of dark conifers .
5 With a keener sense of danger than the others , and finding it exhilarating , as they certainly would not , he had noticed at once that something was wrong , even before he had rubbed a clear patch on the steamy windows and , looking out into the night , had seen the horizon slowly rising , inch by inch .
6 He seemed agitated , restlessly pacing about , looking out into the crowds , then drawing back into the shelter of the arcade .
7 She was breathlessly aware of him and she walked across to the fence that faced the field she could see from her room and stood there looking out into the distance .
8 When Hari returned she saw that Craig was standing at the window looking out into the darkness .
9 After looking out into the daylight , it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust .
10 He was sitting in his small house , looking out into the garden .
11 Donna hesitated on the steps of the library , looking out into the rain , seeing people caught in the downpour hurrying past .
12 We look out into the darkness wondering why we elected to go nearly a hundred miles in this .
13 I look out into the darkness , but my eyes do n't focus at first , as they are so fresh from sleep .
14 So , I 'll now lift up the the curtain and look out into the street and see if there is any sign of them .
15 Your eyes look out into the world around you .
16 In other words , the speaker can read his speech and look out into the audience at the same time .
17 Crossing to the window of the best room , she scraped the rime of frost off the inside of the pane with her fingernail and looked out into the darkness .
18 I held the light up to the window , and looked out into the darkness .
19 He lifted back the drapes and looked out into the road .
20 Nathan stood by the window , and looked out into the gardens .
21 He looked out into the night at the rain-soaked pavement and the ravaged brickwork of empty and derelict factories , as if trying to recognise something .
22 Cardiff ran to the glass doors , wiped the moisture from the pane and looked out into the night at the blurred orange glow of the traffic cordon — but could see nothing else .
23 Chopra looked out into the night sky .
24 When the Marshal opened the gate and looked out into the courtyard the figure had vanished .
25 He looked out into the Darkfall .
26 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
27 Forester had moved to the window and looked out into the yard where the two long-wheelbase Land Rovers stood side by side , somehow managing to be tough and elegant at the same time in their rough-country rig with full-length roof racks and mounted searchlights .
28 Now , when she looked out into the Estuary , she saw not seals , or castles , or knights in armour but Mr Bishop 's body , rolling in on the tide .
29 She stood at the beaded glass and looked out into the gathering darkness .
30 He looked out into the roadway without seeing the rain beating mercilessly against the cobbled surface or the leaves of the trees dripping constantly as they shivered in the breeze , he was seeing the four walls of his cell and remembering his feeling of helplessness as the door slammed shut behind him .
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