Example sentences of "look at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's about collison of cultures in Britain since the end of the war , and it looks at the way that some artists of non-British origin have come to terms with modern art — or , rather , have made a personal art by calling on ways of expression that might have been absolutely native to them in other countries than this .
2 James Beck 's long awaited monograph looks at the man and his achievement ; in his pages , Jacopo della Quercia is championed as the least provincial and most ‘ Italian ’ of fifteenth-century sculptors , an artist sensible to his environs , constantly adjusting his own stylistic language , and eventually producing an individual synthesis of classical , gothic , and contemporary influences in his major works .
3 The exhibition also looks at the making and selling of instruments on Merseyside over the past 200 years .
4 He goes into a restaurant and he says oh the waiter erm let me see the menu and he looks at the menu and said right , he said .
5 It 's a bit like asking why someone looks at the sky or watches the sunset . ’
6 An additional study looks at the scale and organisation of multiple-earning households .
7 Errol Dow , Market Research Manager , Personal Banking Services , looks at the campaign and its results .
9 The second finding looks at the impact that CNN has had on the viewing of news .
10 Do you that a child 's mind works in this way , as he or she looks at the world and finds meaning of in it , and are others who are influenced by their own experiences and by their conclusions of others .
11 Step one the open , this looks at the introduction and the purpose of the appointment .
12 The student looks at the picture and hears a comment ; the student patiently replies , reading his answers aloud .
13 She sits on my lap , looks at the photograph and tells me her dream .
14 Having looked at the development and decline of settlements , let us now look at why the settlements are where they are and the patterns they make in the landscape .
15 We have had days when we 've had three s stewards scheduled for the morning we 've looked at the rota and thought and we 've had no-one turn up panic .
16 He admitted that this was the first time he had really looked at the stoma and that he found the appearance and the smell rather offensive .
17 Having looked at the equipment and principles involved in setting up the tank , we now approach the art ( and science ) of aquarium decor .
18 Richard had nodded his head and looked at the floor and said nothing .
19 Other names who have looked at the centre but are still undecided about taking space in the scheme include : Holland & Barrett , Next , Phone-in , Northern Electric , Superdrug , Foster Menswear , Adams , Rage Footwear , Northern Goldsmiths and Options .
20 But I 've just briefly looked at the education and training part of the General Secretary report and it says here , National College rammed a hundred and twenty four courses over a thirty week period attracting approximately seventeen hundred G M B representatives , a wide range of residential courses .
21 Chapters 6 and 7 have looked at the way that books can be evaluated , and at the sources for evaluation .
22 Has he looked at the way that they are used by individual police forces ?
23 Er no I think it wa I think it was our , our mistake er , there was there were sixteen of us there and seven of us had sort of clubbed together looked at the menu and it 's it 's fifteen ninety five , to , the rich main course banquet
24 Referee Ian Gilmour took no action at the time , but Wire general manager Ron Close revealed : ‘ We have looked at the video and are considering citing Jones for the tackle . ’
25 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
26 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
27 He had been through it before and had already told the Captain he was sure that was the car , though he had n't looked at the driver and front passenger , having been distracted by the map and by watching the traffic coming from all three directions because he wanted to cross over .
28 The physical and analytical chemistry department at DSM has looked at the distribution and migration of salts in limestone .
29 The clubs have looked at the situation and felt it was time to change .
30 So far we have looked at the view that sex differences affect the way in which the police and the courts act toward offenders , and that this enables women to escape criminalisation to a greater extent than men .
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