Example sentences of "look at [art] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 This project looks at the records which could be used to assess the impact of unions on the shop floor of industry .
2 treats the domain of cultural forms and activities as a constantly changing field … looks at the relations which constantly structure this field into dominant and subordinate formations … [ and ] at the process by which these relations of dominance and subordination are articulated' ( Hall 1981 : 235 )
3 We have looked at the devices which create formal links between sentences ; at pragmatic interpretations which link literal meaning to function and social meaning ; at the existence of hierarchical structures in particular discourse types ; and finally at the conversational mechanisms which enable people to construct informal discourse together and make sense of what is happening as they do so .
4 He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch .
5 We were looking at a plant which was a little like cow parsley but smaller , its leaves more feathery .
6 We will illustrate fourth normal form by looking at a relation which is in first normal form and which contains information about modules , lecturers and text books .
7 Sometimes there are the most startling surprises when we come to realise how someone else is looking at a situation which , to us , could only be perceived in one way .
8 Are you talking about the current rate as it prevails or we 're told it prevails ion North Yorkshire , or are you looking at a figure which is somewhat nearer the national average or the figure which Mr 's organization have chosen .
9 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
10 Without even looking at the posters which now covered the walls , hiding the crayoned pictures .
11 Instead looking at the changes which had been achieved , they judged that Mr Mandela and President de Klerk had laid the foundations for a new democratic South Africa and done so through personal integrity and great political courage .
12 Ultimately the origins of the division within the population in Dunrossness lie in the interaction between Shetland , ‘ the oil ’ , and national or international political/economic processes : for the purposes of this paper , however , I will be looking at the factors which are in a sense ‘ internal ’ to Shetland in general , and Dunrossness in particular .
13 We watched him creating that knitting , talking about colour and going round and looking at the things which had inspired his imagination in his designing .
14 Nellie was very good and a natural musician who could play without looking at the piano which meant she could watch the dancing at the same time .
15 If one was asked to produce a summary of the kind of case into which the tribunal was intended to inquire one would do so by looking at the situations which the tribunal has to determine which are mentioned in the statute .
16 In addition to looking at the causes which make people flee from their countries , the Vatican also asks countries to be sensitive to the plight of the refugees .
17 Doyle was looking at the shop which sold oriental bits and pieces .
18 Looking at the messages which had accumulated in her absence she saw the folly of rushing off to Oxford so close to the start of term and felt faintly annoyed with herself .
19 ‘ Obviously we will be looking at the sports which proved so popular last time , but we will also be looking to see if there is scope for more specialised activities such as water sports and outdoor pursuits . ’
20 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
21 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
22 I think just to amplify that point , if you look at the question which is set down under two two D.
23 Well er , that 's alright , I , I would n't , I look at the things which we do very well , erm , and a lot of people say
24 And tomorrow night we look at the work which takes up a third of the RSPCA 's time , dealing with farmers and their livestock .
25 And just look at the problems which had faced poor Candide .
26 Look at the image which another group has created : what is each person thinking ?
27 I mean now , the erm the social workers erm are care managers in a lot of cases , in other words it may be contracted out to somebody else to do the actual caring and you look at the package which the client is getting , you know it might be I du n no some old dear who needs meals on wheels and visits every week or something
28 If we now look at the curve which shows the freon ratios in surface water and look for a ratio of two , and lining this up with the nought degree curve because we 're working with Antarctic water which of course is very cold , we can see that a ratio of two corresponds to the year nineteen fifty nine .
29 Similarly , if extension of devolved responsibility is being sought , the Quality Audit will look at the system which the centre proposes to use to ensure that the appropriate SCOTVEC criteria will be applied : the operation in practice of the new devolved responsibility would be monitored and be reviewed at the next full audit .
30 Therapist : ‘ Now let's look at the thoughts which go with these symptoms .
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