Example sentences of "look for a [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Overall a recommended buy if you are looking for a simple but powerful professional database .
2 I was looking for a good and intelligent woman to love — ’
3 However , the easiest way to distinguish the two groups is that the walker/scrambler will stand at the bottom of a difficult and dangerous mountain looking for a safe and easy way up , and the climber/dangler will stand at the foot of a safe and easy mountain looking for a difficult and dangerous way up .
4 However , the easiest way to distinguish the two groups is that the walker/scrambler will stand at the bottom of a difficult and dangerous mountain looking for a safe and easy way up , and the climber/dangler will stand at the foot of a safe and easy mountain looking for a difficult and dangerous way up .
5 It all but invited every cop-hating drug freak , every aggrieved drugs trafficker from the Bekaa Valley to Los Angeles , every ultra-right , gun-running , Contra-supporting machismo addict , and every thwarted narco-terrorist or Muslim extremist looking for a safe or cheap revenge to ‘ terminate ’ him also .
6 The interviewer is looking for a positive and enthusiastic approach to his or her company .
7 If any ambiguity remained , either because multiple readings survived or because some anaphor had several surviving candidates , common sense inference rules were invoked to look for a causal or other link between a proposition in the current sentence and one in an earlier one .
8 But , in the summer of 1945 , he took a furnished room in Kensington and began to look for a suitable and convenient residence of his own .
9 Local builders looked for a cheap and plentiful source of sand to make concrete blocks after Portland cement came into use , and the excavation tips were close at hand .
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