Example sentences of "look up and [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The complacent citizen looks up and sees a distant jet 's contrails , whooshing along in impressive white streams .
2 He was so involved in these thoughts that when the school finally loomed into view he failed to notice it and only when Tock poked him in the side did he look up and see the gigantic sight .
3 He was over Charing Cross Road and well into the Square before some instinct of recognition made him look up and see the place which was still the jewel of London , the haven of fantasies , the last known post of security , the Crystal Rooms .
4 It was very tiring work , and it kept me busy so that I did not look up and see the Hispaniola until she was just half a mile away from me !
5 So I could look up and see the sky .
6 The truckloads of returned prisoners drove past the office and the girls draped the banner between two windows and hung from the window ringing a handbell so that the men would look up and see the banner and hear them cheering .
7 They were quite far apart , it was light but still felt enclosed : you could look up and see the high tops of the pines swaying in a wind that you could n't feel down on the ground .
8 And always , on a clear day , you could look up and see the magnificent , snow-capped Alps .
9 Indeed , just as with a demonstrative , so with the definite description in ( 18 ) , the addressee is invited to look up and identify the referent .
10 Maxim wished he had made the call himself even if George had had to look up and dial the number for him .
11 This enables anyone to look up and inspect the patent specification to determine its scope .
12 Now and then , when the night sky is starless , I look up and form the hilarious suspicion that the world will soon start making sense .
13 Wexford looked up and met the shifty eyes .
14 It was in this way that he was thinking when , with Lili by his side and their suitcases on a trolley he would abandon at the tube-station entrance , he looked up and met the eyes of Adam Verne-Smith .
15 From time to time , instinctively , he looked up and sniffed the wind , but his caution was half-hearted .
16 Ann looked up and forced a smile ; and when Jennifer glanced up the table at the master of the house , Harry replied with a wink .
17 Robyn looked up and forced a sarcastic smile .
18 She looked up and scanned the laboratory .
19 He looked up and managed a somewhat wavering smile .
20 Adam looked up and saw a storm-trooper running towards him , waving his hand .
21 I looked up and saw a big-ribbed canopy of light pink and white descending over me , and the next moment I felt myself drawn downward , feet first , and I realised that I was being swallowed by a whale .
22 Elizabeth looked up and saw a brown uniform and a friendly face , framed in the lovely black hair typical of the Maltese .
23 He looked up and saw a plane following him down ; it too had a battered wing-tip .
24 He looked up and saw a wooden stave falling towards his head .
25 Leila looked up and saw the man standing in the doorway , recognising him immediately for a creature less human than Sindy or any of her contemporaries .
26 Suddenly , there was a commotion at the door and I looked up and saw the skinny preacher walk in .
27 I looked up and saw the ghost of a frown .
28 He looked up and saw the vicar carrying a book that looked more like an illustrated part work from W. H. Smith 's than Holy Writ .
29 There was a shrieking in her ears , so vibratingly shrill that for an instant she thought it was the whole Glass Castle shivering to pieces — then she looked up and saw the Women sweeping down on them , screaming their war cry .
30 Even when she looked up and saw the half mortals approaching from the forest , she had n't the strength to be afraid .
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