Example sentences of "look [prep] all the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Surmounted by a slender clock-tower , which summoned the Belgian bourgeoisie to rendezvous with the trains as surely as any muezzin summoning the faithful to prayer , it looks for all the world as if it has been transported by some mischievous jinn on a magic carpet .
2 A carved chair close by the altar , a small ancient-looking chest , and an ornately-carved table which looks for all the world like a chest on legs , may well be Jacobean .
3 The city of Balboa looks for all the world like a suburban Texas town — it has green lawns of tough-leaved grass , cyclone fences , large split-level houses , young housewives in sunglasses and hair-curlers driving Camaros on their way to the Safeway , American flags — and American troops .
4 From the outside the Aeronca , with its upturned snub nose and very short undercarriage , looks for all the world as if it has suffered a heavy landing , then run full- pelt into the side of a hangar .
5 Er and Jane looks after all the publicity er er preparations and that sort of thing so
6 If successful , the unit , which looks after all the community hospitals plus mental-health and district nursing in Gwynedd , could become a Trust by next April .
7 Edwin Garland was his art executor and looked after all the business arrangements . ’
8 No we no she 'd got out the pool you see , she was I did n't recognize her , she said oh it looks like all the family 's here and I was only talking to Evelyn and , and I kept trying to place her and it was only when she said oh Rebecca was born a month after cos she 's died her hair a different colour , I did n't , just did n't recognize her at all .
9 If the grounds of referral are accepted by both parents and child at the Hearing , the Panel looks at all the information that has been provided for them .
10 However , it was clear from the Special Commissioner 's decision that he had looked at all the evidence and asked himself whether in view of that evidence it had been reasonable for the inspector to form the view he had taken .
11 As I think you will agree when you have looked at all the evidence it may well not have been quite so simple in this case to determine what was the best for the girl , as we , looking back on events from this point in time , may think .
12 And when you get to the branch you get your bumf and you sit there looking through all the bumf .
13 And as we are unlikely to see any real harmonisation of accounting procedures , fiscal requirements or business practices throughout the Community in the near future , pan-European accounting systems will be increasingly important to the large number of UK companies looking for all the help they can get .
14 Their assumption that ‘ he knows what he has done wrong ’ is based on the fact that Rover is slinking along the floor with its head and tail down looking for all the world like a naughty school boy who 's just broken the headmaster 's window .
15 This blocky layer is carried along on top of the moving flow , looking for all the world like rocks on a conveyor belt in a quarry .
16 The distinctive leaves of Begonia grandis evansiana , looking for all the world like an escaped house plant , but hardy enough to grow outside , are also grown in abundance .
17 A few days later a 69 Squadron Maryland approached the airfield , looking for all the world like a Ju88 .
18 Bellybutton , a straw hat over his eyes , danced a few ludicrous steps on the deck of the workboat , thus looking for all the world like a simple Bahamian native welcoming the nice white folks from Georgia who now stood blinking in the bright sunlight beside a growing mound of their designer-label luggage .
19 In the corner of the pool sat Debbie Harry who leant into my face and — looking for all the world like Benny Hill 's mum — said ‘ Is this the same James Brown who championed The Wonder Stuff and Happy Mondays ?
20 He sat in the low chair with his head bowed , looking for all the world like a genius deep in contemplation , though in fact he was fast asleep .
21 We visited Sanur Beach , where we painted fishermen working on their outrigger boats , extraordinary craft with huge ‘ arms ’ , looking for all the world like giant multi-coloured sea creatures .
22 The work was unplaced , but the concept was electrifying — a smooth , lacquered black box with an ominous bulge at one end , looking for all the world as if something inside wanted to escape .
23 He left the set that day looking for all the world like a nine-stone weakling who had just thrown sand in the face of the beach bully .
24 The housekeeper was in charge of mending and looking after all the linen from the various parts of the house .
25 I was looking in all the shop windows , at the reflections .
26 Schofield said : ‘ I shall be looking at all the press cuttings when I get home and deciding what action to take .
27 then I was looking at all the garden stuff , and and I thought well , start by the , and I thought I 'm doing a Joey !
28 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
29 Or , more ingeniously , the underside can be mirrored so that when it is flipped up it will look for all the world like a large looking glass .
30 I had to look through all the rest and take what I wanted .
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