Example sentences of "look [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , take Tokai 's notorious early '80s Fender copies : at long last , affordable , pro-quality guitars with classic looks for the impoverished working musician .
2 It looks for the Highest Common Factor ( HCF ) and seeks to promote that .
3 When the computer is trying to save a new file to a disc , it looks for the first available fragment of space , writes as much of the new file as will fit , then looks for another available fragment of space , writes a bit more , and so on until all the file is written somewhere on the disc .
4 A terrace for open-air teas looks towards the award-winning British Tioxide white garden , re-created here after its success at the Gateshead Garden Festival .
5 I 've been praying for him and this looks like the best possible outcome .
6 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
7 Even before the earthquake of 1977 had provided the opportunity and excuse for clearance , various Romanian architects and planners but also potential patrons , from Carol II onwards , had looked on the so-called burnt-palace site as a suitable location for redevelopment .
8 But it is likely that the professionals who have been responsible for the running of such companies at local level will have been allied to the more liberal group among the upper protestant classes , as represented by such families as the O'Neills , who have looked to the English public schools for the right sort of education .
9 Eccleshall appears to be on stronger ground when he looks to the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries for evidence of libertarian Conservatism .
10 But it is quite different in almost any university if one looks at the immediate post- doctoral level .
11 This section looks at the first two of these applications .
12 This section looks at the many different forms of retailing , and how different sorts of shops and stores operate .
13 The second section looks at the various legal provisions which can be said to be concerned with certain specific social and moral educational objectives : the law on sex and race discrimination , religious education and collective worship , sex education and the coverage of political issues in the classroom .
14 Looks at the possible social , environmental and economic effects of four bridge or tunnel options including comment on the impact on the Kent landscape .
15 Vanessa looks at the familiar mucky mix of local political wheeler-dealing and multinational corruption with a Welsh village finding that embracing the entente cordiale fools them into having their lake turned into a French chemical waste dump .
16 This project looks at the global industrial context of the Single European Market .
17 This chapter looks at the three major categories of organisation in the light of those considerations likely to prove most significant for surveyors : management authority of the participants , the raising and use of finance , the administrative burdens which will be created , the conduct of relations with outsiders and the settlement of disputes .
18 This chapter looks at the main academic and political perspectives on health and health care which have shaped the debate , and revolves around three broad areas of analysis .
19 Turmoil is a word that comes to mind when one looks at the evolving British education system .
20 Turmoil is the word that comes to mind when one looks at the evolving British education system .
21 ‘ Turmoil is the word that comes to mind when one looks at the evolving British education system , ’ wrote John Davies , director of the Educational Publishers Council of the Publishers Association , in The Bookseller in January .
22 The chapter looks at the formal regulatory approach as adopted in the UK and the US .
23 Here Nevile de Moraes of William Osborne looks at the FAB 3 story from the builder 's point of view .
24 The economic theory underlying this optimistic view of technical change is termed ‘ compensation theory ’ , and we will discuss this after we have looked at the competing rhetorical question .
25 WHEN THE originators of the Dart Valley Light Railway plc formed it in 1965 they always intended that it should be a commercially operated line rather than a ‘ preserved ’ railway , for having looked at the then contemporary scene they felt that there were enough preservationists at work already and that their nice for survival in an essentially holiday area should be revenue-earning profitability .
26 It is quite possible clearly that that number could be reduced , during the consultation process on the on the local plan , I think that 's an important point because of the issue of windfall that was mentioned by Mr Davis , and was raised yesterday , reference to historic trends in the city of York do show that erm we have exceeded structure plan targets by substantial amounts , I think the figure is is forty percent or or more , er the County Council could confirm that , slightly difficult calculation to do because I 'm sure you 'll be aware that to our eternal shame , the City Council has not to date adopted a formal local plan , with reference erm to your question on day one er as to whether or not we might calculate contribution of windfalls in the past , we have looked at the nineteen eighty seven residential land availability er study , which was agreed with the house builders , adjacent districts , and of course the County , and in the five year period of that study , by comparison with the sites that we agreed in the study , an additional four hundred and thirty dwellings came forward and were completed on sites that had not been identified in the study , now I 'd I would say very clearly that that level of windfalls erm would not continue in the future and it could not be a reliable basis for erm looking at windfall contributions in the city in the future , clearly the supply of development land in the city is a is a finite resource , er given given the constraints that are current holding , and although some additional windfalls to the two hundred I 'd suggested in my H One may come forward , on the other hand I suspect some of the sites suggested in the draft local plan could fall out of the equation .
27 This chapter has looked at the main academic and political perspectives which have shaped thinking on health and health care .
28 Whose face would it be , looking through the small square window behind us ?
29 About a month ago I spent an afternoon looking through the German National Film Archives in Coblentz .
30 Cos one of the things that I said , you know , just when I was looking through the last five or six months is that it did seem er , to be inconsistent in terms of certain areas like the first floor , there 's an awful lot of reporting going on but , there was very little from the other , from the other areas .
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