Example sentences of "look [prep] [pers pn] from the " in BNC.

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1 However , the individualistic approach of modern Darwinism which looks at it from the point of view of the reproductive success of individual genes , is n't like the older group selectionistic thinking was , prejudiced in favour of any group .
2 During the day we lay up in the desert , camouflaging ourselves with pieces of hessian sacking against the R.A.F. patrols who were out looking for us from the air .
3 ‘ The semi-detached pair on the right of yours , looking at them from the road , belong to one of the Oxford colleges .
4 As I did so I became aware of a youngish man with long hair looking at me from the pavemented walk on the Hammersmith side of the river .
5 She stood looking at me from the end of the bed .
6 I could tell that my father was looking at me from the other end of the table , swilling his juice round in his glass and staring at my head as I bent over my plate .
7 I could see I could see Li er Charlie and Pete looking at me from the other side of the room , Charlie smiled and I just did I just went like that , you know ?
8 Agnes started and went towards her mother , who was looking at her from the kitchen doorway .
9 She lifted a hand to shade her eyes and Martin Jackson 's face appeared on the backdrop of light , as if he were looking at her from the sun 's centre .
10 Looking at you from the other side of the desk I might feel you have misdiagnosed yourself .
11 Looking at it from the club 's point of view I can see how this ban arose in a situation like this .
12 Now we are looking at it from the point of view of anticipating a loss which will trigger the grief response .
13 Looking at it from the housewife 's point of view her phrasing of these questions would be :
14 Looking at it from the point of view revealed in their rhetoric , the pupils were not ignoring their teacher as such .
15 well I do feel that a car is looked at from a performance point of view , I mean I agree that a lot of bad drivers , but I still think you could help a lot by getting the design of the car right , because sometimes accidents do happen , even though nobody is really at fault and er I feel strongly that were looking at it from the wrong way round .
16 But looking at it from the other point , that 's the you know the word entitlement comes from you know , I I think I 'm entitled to twenty days ' training , but whether I need twenty days ' training to be
17 Eight years on Symphony Release 3 has just been launched and Janet Swift examines how it measures up to today 's standards — looking at it from the viewpoint of existing users and those who are contemplating buying new business software .
18 The researchers meet the guests first , and generally look after them from the time they arrive to the time they leave .
19 All the same , if we turn the figures about and look at them from the point of view of the older generation themselves , we still find that in early modern England only 10 per cent of sixty-year-olds were living with their married children or grandchildren .
20 I mostly just look at mine from the window ; I 've got to know the walnut tree over a whole year now .
21 It is an odd building , when you look at it from the front , because it is very asymmetrical .
22 But the , the reason why that 's true maybe , might n't it , that if you look at it from the child 's point of view , the crying is a , is a signal it 's sending to its parent .
23 In going through this document , look at it from the viewpoint of the buyer as well as your own client , and if the buyer 's conveyancer has made any slip or omission , put it right ; you may yourself one day be grateful for a similar courtesy .
24 I think you 've also got ta look at it from the kid 's point of view and perhaps I 'm wrong here but , you know when you think , I mean , the these are going to be done very , you know er i i we got a sort of time limit , and kids are going to be told during perhaps a two week period
25 Most studies of social services , however , tend to look at them from the historical or development view .
26 Or , to look at it from the child 's point of view , the words the adult uses will be interpreted in the light of the forms of social understanding which have already been forged non-verbally .
27 Or to look at it from the social point of view — he 's just one man among many , the loss would be well within reason and convenience .
28 You are only looking at it from our point of view though are n't you , I mean they , they 're going to look at it from the point of view that they can possibly obtain sixteen zero zero fours , although they 'd obviously like to get them cheaper , but at a price that makes the the overall package that contains that bearing and a six eight O seven cheaper than than the package that we would like them to use which inc would incorporate six zero zero fours , and er whatever after .
29 It looked like her from the back .
30 He looked at her from the corner of his eye .
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