Example sentences of "look [adv] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The way was now open for peace negotiations with France , and these negotiations inevitably looked rather like the negotiations which had ended the wars against Louis XIV in 1713 — sensible enough at a time of high expenditure but not fair to allies nor likely to allow the British negotiators to gain the largest possible amount at the bargaining table .
2 But it 's strange to think that the day 's not so far away when players like Robert Cray , Bonnie Raitt and Jimmie Vaughan , for so long representatives of the new American blues generation , will themselves be looked on as the elders of the blues .
3 He looks down into the gardens hidden everywhere behind the patched and crumbling walls .
4 They had looked together in the sheds , behind the dustbins .
5 ‘ The town where I was born looked much like the outskirts of this city .
6 Having looked gloomily into the windows of antique shops , and steered his way past lines of tipsy Tories , he returned to the Grand where a functionary manning the door noticed that he was not wearing a photo-pass .
7 Two of us in a great mass of strangers , and various things to do that you 've got to get right , like follow signs and collect your luggage ; then you get looked over by the customs , and no-one particularly cares who you are or what you 're doing there so the two of you have to keep one another cheerful …
8 Guruji looks inquiringly at the companions .
9 Looks more like the communications centre of a nuclear sub . ’
10 In such a case , as Lord Haldane said in North Western Salt Co Ltd v Electrolytic Alkali Co Ltd [ 1914 ] AC 461 , the law " still looks carefully to the interests of the public , but it regards the parties as the best judges of what is reasonable as between themselves " .
11 I thought that because I had looked up to the twins on account of their wealth I expected others to do the same to me .
12 Well , only the once , when Steven Blowers had died and he had looked up at the parents , and then a curious bleakness had stolen over his face and drained the life away .
13 And of course , ’ adds Myra , as she looks up at the lights on the hills where the Bakers live , ‘ Howard and Felicity . ’
14 Here the Harper clan gather , a small tribe , frail , ageing , on the threshold of 1980 , in the presence of the sky : here thirteen-year-old Celia , young , aspiring , judgemental , reflects upon the past , as , long after her usual bedtime , she looks up at the stars and plots her own future .
15 If one looks back at the text-books and review papers written about psychobiology during t , his period one finds that they were largely preoccupied with topics like motivation and emotion .
16 Perhaps they 'd never looked out of the windows .
17 It 's official designation is an eyecatcher ; the idea was you looked out of the windows of the house and that your eye was drawn to the temple at the end of the lakes .
18 He stands and looks out over the lights of London .
19 Willie had looked around for the twins and George , but they were nowhere to be seen .
20 So far , we have looked briefly at the basics which are common to all camcorders , that is formats , body-shapes , and viewfinder arrangements .
21 And then he looks forward to the weekends and that .
22 BLUE PLANET 's sensational photography explores continents and oceans , and looks too at the forces that influence our environment : storms , volcanoes , earthquakes , typhoons and , perhaps the most powerful of all , Mankind .
23 Anyone who inspects the cobbles closely will find , if he makes a successful Int test ( Physician or Physician 's Student +10 ) that the greasiness is due to many small gobbets of what looks very like the remains of human fat .
24 While other poets busily peer about them , acknowledging the given world , Porter looks inwards at the figures described by his imagination .
25 But the interior is remarkable : a single aisle with a high barrel vault of painted wooden panelling looking rather like the timbers of an inverted ship 's hull .
26 The little scene concluded , she walked aft , looking inward through the windows , searching for someone , who in fact turned out to be me .
27 I felt that I was looking right into the worms of pain in his skull , but they turned into slugs trying to eat their own tails .
28 High , curved , hand-carved doors led from the reception area to the conference room and residents ' sitting-room , where afternoon tea would be served looking down across the gardens to the accompaniment of a grand piano .
29 Alexei was looking down at the skirts of his coat .
30 But looking down at the words now , it did not appear so simple .
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