Example sentences of "look [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Inspector Finch looks for it in various places .
2 The world looks to them for decisive leadership on this issue , as on others " .
3 I thought she 'd got over being ashamed of me , but now she looks at me with contemptuous pity .
4 They roll apart and she looks at him with sullen exhaustion , her head still pumping in and out .
5 On the one occasion she had broached the subject of his mother , David had looked at her with cold eyes , saying in a hard voice , ‘ My mother was her own worst enemy .
6 A heartbeat before , he had looked at her with blind passion , then with something that bordered on contempt .
7 Bertha had looked at her in thoughtful silence for several long moments before she 'd said , ‘ Dear Lucy — I believe you could help me in this affair . ’
8 What we 've done , won one of the points I think that is worth er making perhaps is that on er over the last few years we 've seen a complete change in world export philosophy where not only are the Russians exporting all over the place but clearly er there are a number of western aircraft in different parts of the world and therefore what we have also done is to , in comparing er our aircraft against other western ones , we 've also looked at them as potential threats because it 's possible that er erm western aircraft in certain hands could end up being used against us so we have also compared those .
9 ‘ Nobody had looked at it in great detail , ’ he said .
10 ’ Famlio is looking for us in other sectors .
11 ‘ There must be many ways of making this place snugger , ’ argued Charles , looking about him with fresh eyes .
12 People looking to it for educational use , or a big company HQ .
13 And what the force will say to us is that the force has overall priorities and they take precedent and that is to get sixty four P Cs back on the street , and our problems they will be looking to us for imaginative solutions
14 In a brown-panelled room smelling of tobacco they sat on opposite sides of a cold hearth full of cinders , swallowing hot wine and water under the blue eyes of Sergeant Collier , who was looking at them with intent curiosity like a man staring at a two-headed dog in a freak show .
15 He 'd lie on his bed at three or four in the morning just looking at them with rapt concentration , not reading them , just laying them out , changing which one was next to which one , as if determining some sequence or some relationship between the writers .
16 Me ? ’ she said , looking at him with wide eyes .
17 Looking at him with cool objectivity like this , it was hard to see why he had had such a powerful and disturbing effect on her , she realised , aware once again of a strange inner certainty that she had seen him somewhere before , but unable to pin the memory down .
18 The two women were looking at him with great attention but it was the mother who spoke first .
19 ‘ Hello , ’ said the boy , looking at him with hollow eyes .
20 We sat before him looking at him with respectful eyes ( that is , all but one of us , who usually went to sleep as soon as the class started ; she was not just closing her eyes , she was fast asleep ) .
21 When he had got his balance back , a woman in a dowdy black dress was looking at him with tired amusement .
22 She found herself opening her eyes , and looking at him with dazed longing .
23 Seven pairs of eyes were looking at him with open hostility , even the youngest 's who was not yet four .
24 Louise , his warm-hearted , likeable , former neighbour was looking at him with obvious concern .
25 He tried asking her about herself , but she had a knack of averting his questions with an apparently bashful stammer , looking at him with kohl-lined eyes that rolled around like the globules in a bricklayer 's balance .
26 He asked me in a very slow and serious voice , looking at me with solemn eyes .
27 But she was looking at me with simple , concerned inquiry .
28 Quigley was looking at me in open horror now .
29 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
30 ‘ He does n't , eh ? ’ said the tramp , who was looking at her with great interest .
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