Example sentences of "should be [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the time you get all the crew up on the windward rail , which would be in true wind of 10 – 12 knots , you should be flattening the bottom of the main and opening up the leech .
2 While supporting the practitioners ' role as proxy for the patient in purchasing , there is a need to recognise the limitations of this , and wherever possible we should be seeking the opinion of the public .
3 Clinical trials will begin within a year and patients with lung , stomach and pancreas cancer should be receiving the treatment by 1995 .
4 I am bound to say My Lords that my own view is still that the size within the limits laid down by statute with a minimum of sixteen or eighteen and maximum of twenty-four would best be determined locally and if we 're not going in for a national police force , I still ca n't see what it has to do with the Secretary of State and why the Home Office should be settling the size of forty-three or so police authorities .
5 You would n't want , for example , the heads of our elderly people 's homes to be sat in their offices pushing paper when they should be managing the home .
6 ‘ It should be filling the skyline .
7 ‘ Guides should be setting the example and I think we should think about the way we put adventure first . ’
8 He felt he should be watching the road from behind the curtains , waiting for the badmen to arrive at High Noon , while in the background a voice intoned ‘ Do not forsake me , o my darling ’ .
9 Drama time The children start by working in small groups , continuing to improvise their daily routine , but with the added task that while they are working they should be discussing the issue of the railway route .
10 Mrs er has er actually said that we should be getting some more money and then she spoilt it by saying we should be using the money we have n't got more er better use it and er maybe knocking the traffic li er islands out will save us a problem cos we 'll get a few kids knocked down and we wo n't have to bother with em .
11 Finance staff should be using the network to extract financial data from computerised cost centres , such as the library , and cost-centre managers should be able to access up-to-date expenditure and commitment figures on-line .
12 We need to decide whether we should be upholstering the chair at all .
13 We were wrong to look for redress from others when we should be taking the wrong done to our master upon ourselves .
14 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
15 If he does , someone should be facing the axe at the end of this season .
16 By the time they reach brown belt level , however , the kiai should be resembling the sound of a very loud and strenuously emitted ‘ its ’ .
17 ‘ However bad a crime like that might seem to people , in the great scheme of things , when there are 55,000 murders each year in the US , that is not the sort of crime that should be getting the death penalty .
18 self-employed sole trader , receiving little help or advice , living on credit which should be financing the business
19 We 've said all along that staffing the community centre should be reduced er and that we should be encouraging the community to take more interest in running their community centres .
20 But , we , we really need to er , put the cart before the horse , or the horse before the cart as you may say , I mean , we are now being told by the leader of the Conservative group , that er , we 're going to , we , we should be supporting the idea of amateur parish constables .
21 That is why Labour should be supporting the Bill instead of criticising it .
22 We should be supporting the right to seek independent legal advice in support of an asylum application .
23 The remit with regard to the er one day seminar , it was suggested at the last meeting er that it would be useful if the activists of the free union actually got together held a one day seminar or training course whatever terminology you like to put on it er to actually educate ourselves on how we should be conducting the campaign basically .
24 It seemed to us nonsense that the benefit system should be duplicating the role of educational provision in that way .
25 By all the rules of the market , Hewlett-Packard Co 's HP 3000 business computer family should be going the way of the Wang Laboratories Inc VS and the Nixdorf Computer AG 8870 , but in defiance of crude market logic , the machine is going from strength to strength , bolstered by the company 's relaxed approach to migration to Unix : because HP 3000 users know they can relatively painlessly convert to Unix any time they choose , the majority are happy to stay right where they are , and the company claims that its high-end HP 3000 system business actually grew more than 50% last year , and the much-derided Posix interface is actually enabling it to pick up applications from Unix .
26 The hon. Gentleman should be doing the listening .
27 He was the one who should be doing the asking .
28 How the hell can I calm down when that fucking idiot of a chef has got the entire kitchen staff making canapés when they should be preparing the buffet ?
29 Chomsky believed that the linguists should be studying the competence of language rather than the performance which was studied by the structuralists .
30 Relationships are at their most transformative stage , and after the 14th you should be reaping the harvest of love 's labours or indeed digesting the results of your efforts in other directions .
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