Example sentences of "should be [verb] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Notice of proceedings should be served on non-parties at the same time as copy applications are served on the respondents .
2 During the morning checks should be made on guests scheduled for a noon departure who have not yet settled their accounts .
3 Taking account of the view of drunk driving , the plaintiff should be precluded on grounds of public policy from recovering compensation .
4 The advice of your local Agricultural Advisory Officer should be obtained on cultivations .
5 The paper asks whether bigger customers , including buying groups and consortia , should be able to buy for their own use and sell any surplus and suggests some sort of ‘ credibility test ’ should be imposed on companies .
6 But trade associations representing credit grantors have reacted unfavourably to proposals that a statutory levy should be imposed on lenders to finance the centres , writes Richard Smith .
7 Ice-axe loops and straps should be incorporated on sacks intended for use in snow and ice .
8 The comments by Field and Verney concluded with a strong recommendation that every resource of television production should be lavished on programmes for children ‘ if they are to watch intelligently and develop into ready viewers for that ‘ better ’ Television being demanded by the critics ' and sought after by the industry itself .
9 I believe that a ‘ Documenta ’ exhibition should be based on artists of proven worth , or relatively so .
10 It takes account of UK policy that qualifications should be based on competences and so reflect what people can do .
11 Such judgements should be based on criteria which are directly and internally related to the form as well as the content of the text .
12 Calcium antagonists can modify renal haemodynamics ; consequently , trials comparing angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitors with calcium antagonists should be based on differences in their renal effects estimated from previous trials in insulin dependent diabetic subjects .
13 It says : all authoritative directives should be based on reasons which already independently apply to the subjects of the directives and are relevant to their action in the circumstances covered by the directive .
14 Modification of data should be based on arguments of fairness , accuracy and relevancy .
15 The Faculty believes that the scale charge should be based on manufacturers ' retail list prices , provided the Revenue publishes an annual list of such prices .
16 Initially , selection should be based on needs and objectives .
17 On behalf of this group I would like to present to the Council a petition containing in excess of two thousand signatures from people throughout the metropolitan district who object to the originally reported suggestion that Metropolitan Council are proposing to make byelaws requiring that all dogs should be kept on leads at all times in all public places .
18 ‘ It 's a traditional cry of the left , that no records should be kept on individuals , but CND have found an excuse to do it , ’ Nicholas Perry , co-author of the booklet told New Scientist .
19 Because of the corrosive nature of some machine washing agents some care should be exercised on items selected for this form of disinfection .
20 The Portuguese Presidency has now reversed the Commission 's proposal , putting forward that VAT should be charged on imports , but that exports should be exempt .
21 The Government believes that no payment of VAT should be required on boats supplied in the UK before 1 April 1973 ( when UK VAT started ) , or on boats imported into the UK on a duty paid basis before that date .
22 Last year the Countryside Commission called for an inquiry to decide whether recreational vehicles should be banned on Sundays and Bank Holidays on the stretch between Streatley in Berkshire to Overton Hill .
23 But when he insisted that the same warnings should be used on advertisements , and be bigger than at present , he got them furious .
24 The Commissariat for War stressed that the new funds should be concentrated on papers produced for distant units which would not otherwise get any press organ .
25 With the extension of appeal rights to all asylum seekers , it is not unreasonable to propose — as the Lord Chancellor and my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary propose — that this anomalous double provision should end and that increased resources for advice should be concentrated on UKIAS , especially as the service has a better record of winning cases than solicitors and is more cost effective .
26 They consider the site forms a welcome natural break between the conservation area and the non-conservation area and further development there should be resisted on grounds of visual amenity .
27 The Justice Department , and a number of private litigants , argued that attention should be focused on sub-markets of the computer industry , in many of which IBM did indeed have high market shares .
28 We think the obligation for doing this should be laid on creditors , but think the cost involved in securing this improvement to their accuracy should be met by the bureaux themselves , as an addition to the fee which they already pay for getting material from the Central Registry .
29 The rest of the money that British Rail has available should be spent on projects that are desperately needed to provide jam today , not tomorrow , for the commuters who are paying British Rail for the services it offers today .
30 Those who argue about this ( about how much should be spent on Arts faculties in universities , for example ) tend to debate whether it does or does not help the economy , help people to do various jobs , and so forth .
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