Example sentences of "should be [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But rewards and treatment for the two are as different as the roles themselves : the entrepreneurs should be rewarded with fame and fortune ; drones should be disciplined through clear rules and punishments .
2 A job-sharing policy should be devised in conjunction with staff organisations .
3 Ideally , the diagnosis should be confirmed before treatment , and this can be done with capillary blood glucose test sticks .
4 Following an approach to KPMG for authorisation of the advertisement , the factual content of the advertisement should be confirmed in compliance with the procedures set out in the CFM and in the Corporate Finance Bulletin ‘ Investment Advertisements ’ ( see Section 0405.6 ) .
5 If revised arrangements are made over the telephone , these , too , should be confirmed in writing .
6 The Scottish ‘ Code of Practice ’ document states again that all such important information should be confirmed in writing .
7 It should be confirmed in writing .
8 All such information should be confirmed in writing .
9 The authority from the client should be fully informed as to the cost and purpose of the report , and should be confirmed in writing .
10 This should be confirmed in writing .
11 The clinical relevance of the risk factors identified by exploratory statistical testing in the present study should be confirmed in future , prospective studies of appropriate size but factors which were found not to be associated with slow healing can be presumed to be clinically unimportant .
12 Local rainfall variations in hilly areas can also be significant and potential sites should be selected with care after discussion with local people or local weather experts .
13 As for the criteria for granting postgraduate awards , postgraduate study and research are academically demanding and candidates should be selected by competition to ensure that the resources available are used as effectively as possible .
14 Those preparing or using illustrations for publication should be trained in computer graphics , to spread the expertise as widely as possible .
15 As such they should be lodged in gaol . ’
16 Similarly the admission in the Women in Management report that most employers view women as , generally speaking , more impressive than men , should be regulated in promotion and career opportunities .
17 The UK government , which currently levied a standard 17.5 per cent VAT rate , maintained that " taxation should be determined by national parliaments " and that the rate between EC countries should be regulated by market forces .
18 Pop music that should be heard on Top Of The Pops .
19 When further penalties were proposed Secretary John Thurloe [ q.v. ] , for political ( and perhaps personal ) reasons , spoke up for him , pressing — ironically in view of Boteler 's attitude in the Nayler trial — that he should be heard before sentence .
20 Transport planning should be integrated with energy policy .
21 The council , backing the " polluter must pay " argument , says it is unfair for householders to bear the brunt of the cost ; a tax should be levied on pesticide manufacturers , it argues , and motorists should pay for road drainage through the car licence duty .
22 It argues that vehicle tax should be levied in proportion to the pollution caused .
23 All analytical methods should be validated in respect of accuracy , precision , linearity and specificity .
24 The ACDA text reported that the main areas of continuing disagreement between the negotiating teams consisted of ( i ) definitions of and counting rules covering air-launched cruise missiles ( ALCMs ) : the USA wished only to include nuclear-armed missiles with a range in excess of 1,500 km with the assumption that a specified average number of missiles be attributed to each bomber , while the Soviet Union included " dual-capable " ( conventional/nuclear ) missiles with a range in excess of 600 km with the assumption that the maximum number of missiles be attributed to each type of bomber ; ( ii ) whether submarine-launched cruise missiles ( SLCMs ) should be limited under START ( or under a separate agreement , as had been suggested by the USA ) and if so whether on-site SLCM verification procedures should be deployed ( as the Soviet Union was suggesting ) or " non-binding declarations ' of numbers be issued ( as proposed by the USA ) ; and ( iii ) a " ban on the production , flight testing or modernization " of existing types of heavy ICBMs ( suggested by the USA ) , although a ban on new missile development was agreed , as were warhead and missile sub-limits in this category .
25 I think that very often where Bentham and Beccaria differ in detail this is traceable to Beccaria 's conviction that what may be done in the name of utility should be limited by consideration of what befits the dignity of man .
26 There are other ways people have tried to protect the minority , one is by saying that the , that you can generate a certain set of rights from within the democratic procedure in a different way , that is if democracies flourish people need certain liberties , people need to express their own opinions , people need to be able to do what erm assemble where they need to and so on but more common is the view that democracy should be limited by constitutional would present the minority and this is a view that Mill does n't really defend in representative government although it seems to be very close to his view and on liberty , that is we limit the spear that this government has control over so we ca n't , so in this view erm democracy is given a very limited role .
27 It should be noted in passing , however , that where a patient is deemed for whatever reason legally incompetent , the law is less clear .
28 Two points should be noted in connection with supervisor mode and privileged instructions .
29 Before dealing with the meaning of that term the following points should be noted in connection with s743 .
30 Roy Vandermeer , representing the company , told planning inspector Michael Culshaw there were many positive reasons why permission should be granted without delay .
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