Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [pn reflx] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Reverting to my opening discussion of the evolution of the ego and superego , we can readily see the importance of these stages and we can understand why it is that the sexual drive should lend itself to such apparently irrelevant associations as the oral and anal zones .
2 The Wolfenden Committee , in distinguishing between public and private behaviour , also drew a distinction between ‘ crime ’ and ‘ sin ’ , and concluded that ‘ as a general proposition it will be universally accepted that the law is not concerned with private morals or ethical sanctions ’ , and further , ‘ it is not the duty of the law to concern itself with immorality as such … it should confine itself to those activities which offend against public order and decency and expose the ordinary citizen to what is offensive or injurious ’ .
3 Schools were started in the monasteries , for Charles proclaimed that ‘ Men of God should not only live by the rule and dwell in holy conversation , but should devote themselves to literary meditations , each according to his ability , that they may be able to give themselves to the duty of teaching others . ’
4 Hu Kun is a good violinist , and he should attach himself to better things than this .
5 The Government should address themselves to such wasting of money and not to fictitious ideas about Thomas the Tank Engine .
6 ‘ We should address ourselves to those faculties in a child 's mind , which are first awakened by nature , and consequently first admit of cultivation , that is to say , the memory and the imagination . ’
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