Example sentences of "should [vb infin] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But I do n't at all mind saying what I think I should want done in the circumstances .
2 And why it was that such a man should want to fight against the Seven .
3 Oh I should 've mentioned about the maintenance erm , we wo n't do anything about this floor until the rest of the things are sorted out , I think this is the least of our worries .
4 as these will ‘ drown ’ if cut below water level , so sufficient length should remain to allow for a fluctuating water level .
5 ‘ Miss Claybury , the most successful way to treat insanity is with kindness , ’ James told her when she insisted that a particularly deranged woman of middle age should remain chained by the ankle to her bed .
6 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
7 Of course we hope that Dounreay will diversify and look for work outside nuclear tasks , especially in the area of alternative and renewable energies ; but we all know that the fast reactor programme will cease in 1994 and I do not think it right that , as a matter of policy , the hon. Lady should seek to shut off the work going on there to reprocess nuclear fuel .
8 These principles expand upon the basic standards set down in the rules of Conduct and indicate the standards which members should seek to achieve in the interests of good practice .
9 This review process needs to be carried out on a fairly regular basis , perhaps every six months , and it should include looking at the current state of the market to see if there are any new developments that can be applied .
10 It would seem that , despite the costs involved , they should consider investing in the very detailed digital data ( Pinpoint Address Code ( PAC ) ) provided by Pinpoint Analysis Ltd .
11 Accordingly , the draftsman should consider imposing on the tenant an obligation to ask the landlord , say six months before the expiry of the term which ( if any ) fixtures the landlord requires him to remove .
12 Well people are not bound to lose , because some people do finish up ahead , but most people should expect to lose for the simple reason that bookies have got to make a living somehow , and therefore the odds that they offer to entice people to go in are such as to expect the bookie to make a profit , but that does n't mean to say that I am against the idea of people going in for gambling .
13 You should feel uplifted by the close of play .
14 The two- or three- volume catalogue should appear to coincide with a survey exhibition of drawings from Chatsworth to be held at the British Museum this year .
15 Such an attitude is , of course , typical of the ‘ oral personality ’ , as classically defined in the annals of psychoanalysis , and I think it is no coincidence that anorexics , who are almost invariably subject to heavily competitive pressures , should choose eating as the focal point for expressing the resulting conflicts .
16 It had surprised Ruth that the Carsons should choose to live in a boarding-house , until she discovered that in New York it was quite the thing-always supposing that the establishment was high-class and in a good locality .
17 If you wish to live in central London , you should choose to stay in a hotel .
18 ( Why Jeffreys should choose to appear in a court at York is puzzling , especially in the wrong clothes for his time and in a building which was erected about 60 years later . )
19 That Lefevre should finish lying in a place like this .
20 The message for Mr Major : unless he wants to be prisoner to such as these , he should plan to go to the polls by April 1996 at the latest .
21 At a running start you should plan to start at the downwind end .
22 This will be sufficient to investigate the energy range in which the electromagnetic forces should become unified with the weak forces according to the Salam-Weinberg theory , but not the enormously high energy at which the weak and electromagnetic interactions would be predicted to become unified with the strong interactions .
23 They were keen that their ideas should become incorporated into the ACRU/Guy 's Hospital proposal and that Ipswich should be one of the locations in which the project was carried out .
24 If these Institutions should become established throughout the kingdom , there is good reason to hope they will produce an happy change in the general Morals of the People , and thereby render the Severities of Justice less frequently necessary .
25 The councillor should become acquainted with the principal officers from whom he can gain a considerable amount of information and help .
26 Her owner rushed to bring her a bucket of oats before she should become entangled in the fence once again .
27 Much controversy surrounded the finalization of this part of the Act centred on the question whether all 3–5 year olds should become entitled to a place in a nursery or pre-school .
28 Briefly , I should like to respond to the Secretary of State and to express my thanks to my hon. Friends who have contributed positively to improving the Bill .
29 What I should like to underline in the present context is the connection between the recitals in the texts and the teleological method of interpretation .
30 I wrote out , over and over , with a calm satisfaction : " I should like to live among the leaves and heather like the birds , to wear a dress of feathers , and to eat berries . "
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