Example sentences of "should [be] taken [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Great care should be taken with the rock in this area until it has all washed clean and settled down again .
2 These letters themselves , with their references to women and his dependence upon them , should be taken with the facts of his first impulsive marriage and his second happy one : all the available evidence suggests that when he allowed his sexuality free access , when he was not struggling with his own demons , it was of a heterosexual kind .
3 15–9 " The meeting proceeded to take into consideration what steps should be taken with the view to electing a minister . "
4 6 When the deadline arrives all the tenders should be taken with the list to :
5 Care should be taken with the phrase in square brackets in cl 9.1.2 of Precedent 1 .
6 He had already accepted the need for reunion of churches in South India and agreed with Archbishop Michael Ramsey 's view that risks should be taken for the sake of Gospel .
7 Where the terrain becomes so steep that the leader no longer has a reasonable likelihood of controlling a slide , then belays of some form should be taken for the seconds .
8 Security measures should be taken for the safe custody of confidential and important files ; therefore , cabinets should have locks , with the keys kept by a responsible official .
9 Note should be taken of the political electoral system under which peasants had to vote , both in the Duma and the early Soviet period .
10 So far as ranking the relative seriousness of sexual assaults is concerned , however , full account should be taken of the psychological effects of such offences .
11 No notice should be taken of the frequently reiterated statement that Wordsworth lacked humour : of course he had a sense of humour — ‘ sly humour ’ , Hazlitt called it in 1825 , and added , ‘ he has a peculiar sweetness in his smile ’ .
12 Full advantage should be taken of the interest and availability of the press , as well as of radio and television .
13 Much more account should be taken of the individual teacher in discussing classroom practice ; the notion that a ‘ practice ’ can exist independently of the practitioner and can be imposed without regard for the individual 's personality , intentions and preferences is both professionally demeaning and impractical .
14 where adjacent codes are likely to denote related subjects , some account should be taken of the nearness of adjacent codes ;
15 Having said that , it is a comparatively recent imposition for rents to be payable in advance as opposed to in arrear and many tenants would argue that some account should be taken of the fact that landlords have had their money , and therefore presumably interest on it , in advance .
16 In any event , it is wise to place a suitable receptacle within easy reach throughout the day , and after a meal the puppy should be taken into the garden and encouraged to use an area here .
17 It meant that no more Slavs should be taken into the Dual Empire , because that would distort the balance of races there .
18 The Relieving Officer for East Greenwich , however , favoured giving relief to widows for the first few weeks after their husband 's death , but after that he believed some of the children should be taken into the workhouse , because he considered that an able-bodied widow should work .
19 As mentioned above , the timing of this will be influenced by the strength or weakness of the currency in the currency markets but the decision to cover or not to cover should be taken at the time the exposure arises .
20 On the other hand , a harder look should be taken at the range of prescribable products of doubtful value , such as , peripheral and central vasodilators , cough mixtures , baby creams , mild analgesics , and shampoos , and the value of others — for example , vaccination for foreign travel — should be reassessed .
21 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
22 However , the meeting did not manage to clarify greatly the concept of subsidiarity ( which maintained that decisions should be taken at the most effective level whether at EC , national , regional or local level ) .
23 The other side of R6 has a wire attached which should be taken to the common ( -V ) foil track on the main board .
24 I wonder whether a new radical approach should be taken to the receipts from council house sales .
25 Yesterday , an appeal was also set up for adults and children 's clothes and shoes , which should be taken to the council headquarters at Bodlondeb , Conwy .
26 Any jumble for the sale should be taken to the centre or telephone .
27 We believe that the next step , in considering large-scale help for the former republics , should be taken through the International Monetary Fund .
28 Archbishop Silvestre Scandian said : ‘ The state police should be taken off the case , because Father Gabriel made a statement to the Justice and Peace Commission mentioning a police officer as one of those who had made death threats against him . ’
29 I think the series should be taken off the air .
30 But rather than repeat the conflicts about poor eating habits which had taken place between the patient and her family before admission , pressure should be taken off the meals themselves , during which patients are encouraged to interact in an appropriate social context .
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