Example sentences of "should [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not think that I should explain to the hon. Member why he was not called .
2 Alternatively , the break-clause should relate to the whole property , leaving the landlord free to oppose the grant of a new tenancy .
3 In politics he is that which of all things least resembles a democrat — an aristocratic republican who thinks ‘ nothing more agreeable to the order of nature or more for the interest of mankind than that the less should yield to the greater , not in numbers but in wisdom and virtue ’ .
4 He wondered if he should speak to the other man but , not knowing the system 's etiquette , he stayed silent .
5 I should refer to the final paragraph in the judgment , p. 683 :
6 By way of introduction to section 38 I should refer to the familiar provisions in section 37 concerning relation back of a trustee 's title .
7 It was agreed , however , that the OAU Secretariat should present to the 1993 summit the results of a feasibility study .
8 It was agreed , however , that the OAU Secretariat should present to the 1993 summit the results of a feasibility study .
9 The increasing use of diagnostic information and the requirements of public examinations should bring to the fore teachers ' role in assessment in comparison with their somewhat peripheral involvement hitherto .
10 But what is it that persuades artists ( music hall or oils ) , comedians , actors , deep think-ers , burlesque queens and ‘ significant novelists ’ that they should contribute to the political debate ?
11 Candidates should send to the undersigned ten copies ( one from overseas ) of their applications and of any statement that they may think it desirable to submit , and should name three referees .
12 I heard afterwards that Butler left also , and that Lord Salisbury , as senior Cabinet Minister , invited the remaining Ministers to give their opinion about who should succeed to the vacant and , in the circumstances , not very alluring post .
13 To ensure that the internal auditors have a significant degree of independence within the company the chief internal auditor should report to the chief executive and to a financial reporting and audit committee ( FRAC ) made up entirely of non-executive directors .
14 I should look to the Atomic Weapons Establishment in the village of Aldermaston in the Thames Valley . ’
15 ‘ We should look to the Holy Spirit to guide us for good news .
16 This need not be an existing identifier but , as the list is presented in descending numerical order , it should approximate to the highest identifier required .
17 This need not be an existing identifier but , as the list is presented in descending numerical order , it should approximate to the highest identifier required .
18 This need not be an existing identifier but , as the list is presented in descending numerical order , it should approximate to the highest identifier required .
19 This need not be an existing identifier but , as the list is presented in descending numerical order , it should approximate to the highest identifier required .
20 This need not be an existing identifier but , as the list is presented in descending numerical order , it should approximate to the highest identifier required .
21 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
22 When you first start out you should stick to the lower end of your aerobic range ( 60 per cent ) until you feel comfortable with it .
23 A small point to raise maybe , but as a sentimental traditionalist I feel we should stick to the original figure of 14 as adopted by those early pioneers .
24 Still unaware that barn owls are notoriously difficult , I thought that although my experience with Barny had been unsuccessful , to say the least , I should stick to the same breed .
25 She should apologise to the whole House , it was a disgrace , it was n't fair , it was n't fair .
26 Mr Major should apologise to the British people ‘ for his betrayal of their trust . ’
27 He has the right , which he should exercise to the full , of reading his master 's papers and accompanying him to court .
28 Now that the ‘ Mother Of All Battles ’ has , temporarily at least , subsided , the war movie in all its blood-soaked , strafe-bombed , napalm reeking death or glory guts-spilling heart-wrenching glory should return to the small screen .
29 The Official Solicitor 's report is particularly relevant because , although made for the limited purpose mentioned above , it is the report of an independent guardian ad litem which makes clear that all the children are opposed to any suggestion that they should return to the foster mother and her ‘ family . ’
30 He went into retreat and , says Walton , ‘ had many conflicts with himself , whether he should return to the painted pleasures of a court-life or betake himself to a study of divinity and enter into Sacred Orders , to which his dear mother had often persuaded him ’ .
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