Example sentences of "way [subord] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They provide a useful and complex institutional façade , which absorbs political energies in non-threatening ways while masking the effective centralization of power in a tightly co-ordinated executive — military machine linked to big business .
2 Therefore , viewing university students as an elite is justified in many ways when considering the low proportion who can enter this group and the usually predictable social backgrounds of the successful candidates .
3 This chapter explores the possibility of defining these assembly relationships in such ways as to provide a desired function .
4 He did not rise from the chair or acknowledge Moran 's entrance in any way except to direct the flirting banter he was having with the girls to Moran .
5 I think we 're all agreed that it 's better for us to die honourably together in this way than to risk a worse fate at the hands of the enemy . "
6 The strategy adopted for the defence of absolutism and reason is firstly to protect philosophy from the intrusion of the sociology of knowledge and secondly to assert that there is simply no other way than having the absolute standards of reason .
7 Furthermore we want to embed the chains in such a way as to use the random walk statistics we have derived for freely rotating chain segments .
8 The Thatcher fiscal revolution — redistributing income to those with most — must be reversed , but in such a way as to extend an incentive-based society to all taxpayers , and particularly those at the bottom of the income pile .
9 This project will also attempt to establish just how information from the two modalities converge by systematically manipulating them in such a way as to disrupt the normal manner of combining them .
10 In short , statistics relating to old people are presented in such a way as to spread a great deal of gloom about the future , not only for the old themselves but for society at large .
11 By far the most prominent pattern is represented by the regular development of narrow-fronted strip buildings along the main frontages in such a way as to accommodate the maximum number of properties in the space available .
12 For our purposes , measurement can be characterised as the assignment of numbers to some property in such a way as to effect a one-to-one correspondence between the character of the numbers and the characteristics of the property being measured .
13 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
14 The Cores are defined in such a way as to embrace the entire built-up area of the main settlement and therefore include the contiguous suburbs as they existed in 1971 as well as the inner city areas ( see Champion et al . ,
15 In fact , some of these practices have also been applied to political communication ; an election broadcast or a staged political event is constructed in such a way as to elicit a pre-determined and desired response .
16 This period has seen capitalism shake out labour in such a way as to decimate the working class , now much smaller , living in decaying urban areas , with little chance of upward mobility , and yet create the conditions for a relatively secure middle class .
17 Because they are designed to justify certain propositions , the questions they ask are formulated in such a way as to prompt the desired answers .
18 As you rightly say , the present border was drawn on a sectarian head count in such a way as to include a large area which has never consented to partition .
19 In the 1960s Kenyatta manipulated sales of formerly white-owned land and businesses in such a way as to create a new class of Kenyan capitalists to replace the old white capitalists , in a no-nonsense determination to both preserve the private sector and to transfer its ownership into African hands .
20 The light greens by and large believe that the system of which we are all a part is perfectible , that it could be reformed in such a way as to create a sustainable , environmentally friendly way of living .
21 The essence of Hollywood was that it used actors who became real before the camera ; they were not ciphers there to be manipulated by an all-powerful director but they were actors who were able to combine natural qualities and varied skills and techniques in such a way as to create an on-camera identity .
22 Nowadays , most political scientists no longer praise the responsibility of our party system but instead talk of , and condemn , our system of " adversary politics " , where an " electoral auction " is said to lead to an irresponsible " elective dictatorship " , which then manages the economy in such a way as to create an injurious " political-business cycle " that hinders our long-term economic growth .
23 The basic rule of liability was stated in Goodfellow : has the accused acted in such a way as to create an obvious and serious risk of causing physical harm and , having recognised it , gone ahead , or not given any thought to that risk ?
24 But a context normally also acts in such a way as to cause a single sense , from among those associated with any ambiguous word form , to become operative .
25 But Mr. Lester raises a more fundamental argument , with which I agree , that the effect of this court declaring the law in such a way as to enable the local authority to sue in libel , would be interference by a judicial authority with the right of freedom of expression of the press .
26 These combinations are computed in such a way as to concentrate the maximum amount of information in principal component 1 and the least in principal component 4 ( or 7 if TM data are used , for there are as many principal components as there are bands of imagery ) .
27 Increasingly , researchers have attempted to conceptualize speaker variables in such a way as to solve a widening range of substantive problems .
28 If this is the case , then we must concentrate on formulating the problem in such a way as to avoid the combinatorial explosion of hypotheses associated with unrestricted breadth-first search .
29 As the factories Act case illustrates , the courts sometimes Allow themselves to construe a statute in such a way as to produce a reasonable result , even though this involves departing from the prima facie meaning of the words .
30 This utility allows you to alter images in such a way as to produce the best possible hard copy from your printer .
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