Example sentences of "way [prep] which they [modal v] " in BNC.

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31 If they are tied into a working farm , or if there are legal agreements that constrain the ways in which they can be used , clearly that will be a material factor in determining whether the properties have a market value and what it is .
32 The concrete 's spalling , the reinforcement is being attacked and we 've looked at various ways in which they can be repaired or replaced .
33 and my Lord in relation the provisions of the Lloyd 's Act and the er byelaws that are linked into solvency and the maintenance of er , er adequate fund and the payment of policy holders , in my submission constitute the implementation of that directive and those obligations er in , er relation to the society and that is perfectly compatible with community law er it is er the states er have variety of ways in which they can give effect er to community obligations .
34 And to help them through their carbon-copy situation , they are also studying ways in which they can emulate our enterprise challenge .
35 Most of all , they give us a unique insight into the quality of family relationships in later life , and the variety of ways in which they could be constructed .
36 It is felt that by doing this the planning department can gain a better understanding of the information needed by the business units , their concerns and possible ways in which they could be assisted .
37 They had already suspected what the problems were , and Liz and her parents soon started to discuss ways in which they could deal with the backlog of paperwork .
38 In a study by Mayes into various measures of testing the readability of guides , he found that guides were jargon-filled , unappealing etc and suggested many ways in which they could be made more readable .
39 Ministers were invited to look at ways in which they could help people in responding to or coping with grief .
40 From the experience of voluntary bodies and of the different local authority departments concerned , much was learned about the difficulties of families and of the ways in which they could be helped .
41 The session — which featured detailed contributions from Blackwell Retail 's academic development manager Roger Bowen , and Pitman Publishing 's sales and marketing director Rod Bristow — examined the recent changes in the British education system and suggested ways in which they could be exploited to generate more sales .
42 They do n't have to hunt foxes to do that the motion , the main motion not the amendment suggests drag hunting er they could , there there my , I think it means proper drag hunting not one er to previously er l l laid out er objectives er they could race each other , they can have treasure hunts , er there are plenty of ways in which they could enjoy riding .
43 they 'd be all sorts of ways in which they could of kept the agented funds , erm they could of been , but it 's hard to imagine that , that
44 It 's , it 's by actually looking at , well I , in Bill and Kevin 's appraisal I actually tackled it through their appraisal because we discussed , in quite a lot of depth , erm what their workload and ways in which they could change their workload
45 Well I get involved in it in so many different ways erm this is a difficult one , but one of the things that happens is that a number of teachers , both from the area and elsewhere , erm do advanced courses at the university and as part of these courses we have a unit on evaluation , and for this they will choose some area of their school work which they and their colleagues — and I emphasise that this is something they do have to involve their colleagues back at school in very much — erm feel it would be useful to look at and then they try and discuss with their colleagues what aspects of it are important and significant and what ought to be seen , and they bring this discussion back and we all discuss together there 'll be different teachers working on different problems the different ways in which they could approach this problem and how they might most usefully be able to do it and at the end of the exercise they will have found out quite a lot about this particular area of teaching and very often we find that the people they 've consulted have themselves got quite interested in it and begun to realize that it 's not being done in a way that 's there to threaten them , they 're not sending a report to the headmaster or the Chief Education Officer or anything like that — it 's for the benefit of the people doing the work themselves .
46 I think that the issue really is erm are there ways in which perhaps they could be helped to do this more productively , and are there ways in which they could be helped to do this rather more collaboratively than perhaps they have done so in the past ?
47 West Midlands bureaux managers may feel proud at the number of workers who reported that they were very satisfied and could think of no way in which they would do things better .
48 The second is that it does not adequately take account of the sad fact of life that health authorities may on occasion find that they have too few resources , either human or material or both , to treat all the patients whom they would like to treat in the way in which they would like to treat them .
49 Growing herbs at random throughout a garden is in some ways the best arrangement — it is , after all , the way in which they would grow naturally — and species and varieties will be found that are happy on the rock garden , by the water , in bedding schemes , or as underplantings to tall perennials , shrubs and trees .
50 Er now let me ask the Planners whether they see that as the way in which they would be trying to operate this policy through the local plan .
51 As soon as any outbreak of violence , however mild , occurs in society , then damage is done , if it 's only to the social fabric of society , because one or two people can not go about their business , can not go about their pleasure , in the way in which they would wish to .
52 But classroom practice is not put at the service of the principles , designed to test them out ; conversely , the principles serve classroom practices in that they provide a way in which they may be more clearly understood and more systematically carried out .
53 Eleven such triple junctions , each possibly associated with a separate hot spot , have been identified on the continental part of the African Plate and an intriguing problem is the way in which they may subsequently promote continental rupture and develop into spreading centres .
54 In the face of even further diversion of financial resources for training away from special needs , can we build on what expertise we have to find economic and yet effective ways to overcome the present difficulties , to deepen all teachers ' understanding of learning and behaviour problems and of the way in which they might be resolved within the learning situation of the classroom ?
55 Before I come to discuss the philosophical problems that are raised by this sort of account of self and autonomy , I want to look at what I have called its implicit politics ; and what I mean by this primarily is its possible consequences for the way in which women might think about their relationships to each other , and the way in which they might think about themselves .
56 There is some evidence , though not very much , of occasions when the plaintiff or husband acted or refrained from acting in a way in which they might not have done but for their expectation of inheriting the deceased 's property : I refer to the occasions when the husband refrained from selling his building land , and refrained from taking a job in Lincolnshire which would have made it impossible for the plaintiff to continue caring for her mother and the deceased , and the occasions when the plaintiff instructed solicitors at her own expense in connection with the boundary dispute … and the expenditure of time and money on the house and garden and on carpeting the house , when the deceased had ample means to pay for such matters .
57 The engagement partner should discuss with the partners leading other work in which the firm is involved , their terms of reference and the way in which they will report to the lead adviser .
58 I do n't propose that we make a any more discussion than that on it , but it is obviously erm , changing to the way in which they will be looking at certain items in the countryside .
59 They paid their rent every Friday ( the money was put straight into a jar for Oreste 's journey ) and always enquired if there was any way in which they could be of use to their landlady in her circumstances .
60 Indeed , the way in which they could disappear beyond the ability of governments and even their owners to find them is eliciting a long , hard look at Europe 's toxic waste rules .
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