Example sentences of "way [prep] which it have " in BNC.

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1 Here we shall be looking rather more closely at changes within the state system itself , considering ways in which it has been restructured or , perhaps more accurately , was restructuring itself , in response to crisis .
2 By investigating the ways in which it has been used to explain particular phenomena , I shall aim to provide a more detailed account of absolute holism , as I shall call it , and of the mode of explanation it embodies .
3 Published in 1977 , by the Department of Education and Science the document suggested that the work of schools needed to be analysed in a ‘ quantitative ’ form as well as in the ‘ subjective and qualitative ’ way in which it had been measured hitherto .
4 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
5 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
6 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
7 The Committee gave British Rail a ferocious roasting over the way in which it had introduced the Bill and prosecuted its case .
8 I am grateful for this opportunity to clarify any uncertainty that may have resulted from this case , the specific circumstances which lay behind it and the way in which it had to be decided .
9 Understandably , the courts are more willing to review a decision because of the way in which it has been reached than because of its actual merits , or lack of them .
10 For what Corigliano tackles head-on , and with an unashamed emotionalism , is the huge subject of the Aids crisis and the searing way in which it has impinged directly on his own life .
11 The presumptuous way in which it has laid claim to the English rose as representing the party is indicative of its misplaced self-assurance that the people of ‘ our country ’ , as they repeatedly refer to England , wish to be governed by Labour as much as it wishes to govern us — an illusion emphatically dispelled last week .
12 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
13 Equally , if the mouse was a pest and we are pleased to see the end of it , we do not praise the cat for the saintly way in which it has fulfilled its duty to its household .
14 A further distinguishing feature of the Duval-Leroy is the way in which it has its feet firmly planted in the vineyards rather than in the cities of Reims or Épernay .
15 Its parallel body , the Emerging Issues Task Force , is notable for the way in which it has taken anticipatory action in time to head off expected abuses .
16 Despite the hype , Switchboard is very special ; not because of its size , or its range , or its particular achievements but because of the way in which it has endured and grown and responded to a perceived constituency .
17 Drawing on a notion of autonomy which originates with Kant , and which is developed in the writings of Hegel and Marx , Assiter extends this notion and criticises the way in which it has been confined to the public sphere .
18 It is because of this historical dimension to the religion that those arguing ( for example ) for the ordination of women apparently find it so difficult to say , in the way in which it has been possible to maintain in the sphere of politics , that we hold these truths to be self-evident , that all human beings are created equal and must not be discriminated against .
19 Their provision has , in any case , varied considerably between different parts of the country , and , because of the precise way in which it has been implemented , the Act has done little to increase the opportunities for rural recreation among the more deprived sections of the urban population .
20 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
21 It should be clear by now that this is n't the fault of desktop publishing , merely of the way in which it has been implemented .
22 Hall ( 1988 ) , in particular , has argued that the power of that brand of New-Right Conservatism known as Thatcherism consists largely of the skilful way in which it has disconnected a number of themes — self-help , anti-statism , public order , anti-trade unionism , nationalism , share ownership — from the basically bourgeois discourse in which they have been traditionally lodged .
23 In London the Shahs ambassador , Parviz Radji , who had been inter alia , the lover of Princes Ashraf , has been agonizing daily over the turn that is country had taken , the corruption of the court of which he was apart , and the inglorious way in which it has now all collapsed .
24 The complications arise from the way in which it has to maintain an internal planning dynamic which cuts across the traditional demarcation lines of faculties and departments .
25 Whilst the New South Wales scheme may be criticised for the curious distribution of conduct between the first three categories of sexual assault , it is less fair to condemn it , as some commentators have done , because of the way in which it has been judicially interpreted .
26 Indeed , Derrida 's quarrel with classical structuralism does not concern its Saussurean inspiration , but rather the way in which it has unwittingly betrayed the very principle on which the Saussurean revolution was founded .
27 While we have had our differences with the Government about the interim advisory committee and the way in which it has worked , it might be worthwhile at this stage , in what might be our final debate on the work of the interim advisory committee , to thank its members for the work that they have done in the past few years .
28 I shall , of course , establish whether we can use elements of the legislative battery that is available to us in a different way from the way in which it has been used until now .
29 Like you I am a member of the managing board for the D S O. Erm , and erm , like you I 'm sure that erm , you would like to repeat your words , that you said then about heralding this report and it 's successes and reminding the members and th of the public , and members of this county council the real benefits from maintaining erm , our D S O and from the erm the way in which it has been managed and the way in which the amalgamation is working there .
30 Misunderstandings arise because of what 's been said and the way in which it 's been interpreted .
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