Example sentences of "way [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 At some point or other the student of local history will encounter dates expressed in a variety of different ways with which he will have to become familiar .
2 Speaking of the aims of Christian Aid , he illustrated ways in which something could be done , by describing our Sale and saying ‘ If I 'm proud of anything , I 'm proud of that ’ .
3 There are many possible ways in which one may incur tortious liability through the instrumentality of an animal under one 's control , but the fact that the agent happens to be animate rather than inanimate is immaterial , for while the common law , like other legal systems , developed special or additional rules of liability for animals , it did not deny the applicability to them of the general law .
4 There are several ways in which one might explain why priming effects are not cross-modal .
5 The feeling that incomers might be a problem necessitates ways in which one can prove this and attempt to ameliorate the situation .
6 There are all sorts of ways in which one can attempt to alleviate suffering but killing your son by any method , whether starvation or some quicker execution , is not among them .
7 erm Basically erm there are various ways in which one can actually put together the job description .
8 This factsheet can only suggest some of the ways in which they may help you .
9 This latter publication lists , by county , important archives ( and suggests ways in which they may be used ) .
10 Finally , Sources for English Local History by W.B. Stephens ( Cambridge 1981 ) is a quite indispensable guide , for not only does it refer to archives and collections , but suggests ways in which they may be used , and does so by major subject categories : population and social structure ; local government and politics ; poor relief ; charities , prices and wages ; industry , trade and communications ; agriculture ; education ; religion ; and houses , housing and health .
11 But in his theoretical essays he gives some interesting indications of the ways in which they may contribute to a poem 's effect .
12 We have to control for the other ways in which they might vary .
13 ‘ What was needed was a new look at the problems and the ways in which they might be solved , both in the UK and elsewhere .
14 Having grasped the educational import of the manyattas , Windley cast around for ways in which they might be adapted for administrative purposes .
15 By the end of the war the Colonial Office was accustomed to thinking synoptically about Africa , to weighing with unaccustomed confidence and delusive clarity the large forces at work there and the ways in which they might be accommodated within a system of administration .
16 There are a number of ways in which they might become interested in the subject .
17 Our notions of who constitutes the academic community , the freedoms at stake , and the ways in which they might be protected , all develop over time .
18 Mr Davies has now written to me in connection with his research on BCR , saying — ‘ if anyone would like to help I can certainly suggest ways in which they might do so .
19 Thus a course tutor may invite workshop members to identify their own learning needs , to write learning objectives and consider ways in which they would like to learn the new skills or information they need .
20 However , this begs many questions about the ways in which they will respond and some of these issues will be identified later .
21 Pointes can and do have an enormous part to play in classical ballet because there are so many ways in which they can be used to give character and variety to a role .
22 There should be discussion between governors and the head about the best ways in which they can work together to complement each other 's efforts .
23 As the young runner 's confidence grows in this way the coach 's job is to fuel the novice 's dreams by suggesting practical ways in which they can be achieved .
24 Because food additives are so important in hyperkinetic syndrome , you need to be aware of other ways in which they can be consumed .
25 An Outreach scheme has been devised which divides the parish into six areas , each manned by teams of church members whose job it is to identify ways in which they can provide help and report back to the church .
26 The attention of individual members can be drawn to small , practical ways in which they can change the dynamic processes within the family .
27 Pressed flowers make marvellous decorations for stationery products , and there are a great many ways in which they can be used .
28 Whites and Asians entertain a variety of ways in which they can advance , usually locating their careers in some long-term perspective and thus making security an important consideration .
29 It is open to holists , however , to resist this conclusion , and Cohen distinguishes two ways in which they can do so .
30 Increasingly , however , the professionals concerned are finding ways in which they can do their own jobs properly , while working together for the child 's benefit .
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