Example sentences of "way [prep] which the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this stage in the proceedings the papal party split up , Theophylact visiting Mercia and ‘ parts of Britain' ; George went into Northumbria , where a council was held in the presence of King Aelfwald and Eanbald , archbishop of York , in which canons were passed to correct the erroneous ways into which the Northumbrian Church was thought to have fallen .
2 In suggesting ways in which the shifting structures of repetition and difference can be traced , what it has attempted to do is to open up some new contexts , both theoretical and institutional , in which texts and genres can be thought , and to reopen some old points of difficulty which still serve as sticking-points against the slide into accommodation .
3 Appreciation of the ways in which the various shapes are related enables the teacher to ask further leading questions when a suitable opening presents itself in a child 's play ( e.g. commenting on the way the flat slabs will go together to make a staircase of three steps — ‘ What would we need to make the next step ? ’ ) .
4 The ways in which the various tools are used are described here or in the various chapters throughout the book — cutting and bending pipe , for example , in Chapter 2 ; the correct way to use an immersion heater spanner in Chapter 4 .
5 In the former , all of X , Y , and Z are shown — the relationships between their changes are illustrated and one could estimate from it the ways in which the various terms in the equations are bringing about the changes .
6 Rather , its purpose is to simplify the issues sufficiently to be able to put a coherent structure on the following discussions about some of the ways in which the various factors interrelate , and the possibility of intervention .
7 We have been considering some of the ways in which the late Roman world inhabited by Christians was transformed in fact and in their imagination .
8 Certainly there is a variety of ways in which the central idea of conspiracy is expressed .
9 Finally , there are other potentially important ways in which the polar ozone destruction mechanism may be perturbed in future but which have not been considered here .
10 There are various ways in which the visual field can be reduced or interrupted , causing problems with some school tasks whilst apparently not affecting others .
11 Last year , a Corrective Action Team was set up in Chlor-Chemicals to find ways in which the existing stock of drums and cylinders could support a required 25% increase in chlorine business while avoiding major capital expenditure on new packaging .
12 There are three ways in which the place-based , location-specific element is relevant to any analysis of soil erosion .
13 However , he also went a long way towards showing that this apparent conflict could be reconciled by isolating ways in which the two ideals were similar .
14 Thus , while both firms have the same overall goal of selling furniture for profit , the more detailed breakdown of goals tells us much more about the different ways in which the two businesses will be run .
15 There are three essentially different ways in which the first step can be influenced .
16 If we place too much weight on direct financial controls it is all too easy to miss other less visible ways in which the Japanese state has systematically supported the position of large companies .
17 Work on more general aspects of science and technology policy has included completed studies of the ways in which the Japanese Government chooses and administers its ‘ next generation base technologies development programme 1981-1991 ’ and the responses of industrial firms to their Government 's ‘ seeds and needs ’ approach .
18 We will examine ways in which the uniform scope of regulation could be eased to safeguard traditional local products or practices .
19 Foster , who won the international competition in 1984 , calls his a ‘ calm and classical building ’ which suggests ‘ ways in which the new can relate to the old , can pay respect but can also speak of its own age with integrity and without pastiche ’ .
20 There are three main ways in which the terrestrial planets could have acquired their volatiles .
21 Clearly therefore , the present outgassing of the Earth , and the possibility of an early atmosphere containing CH 4 and NH 3 , provide no firm bases on which to decide between the various ways in which the terrestrial planets could have acquired their volatiles .
22 This chapter will , therefore , examine the ways in which the early Christians were conscious of the Spirit 's presence in their community ; the next four chapters will glance at some of our contemporary problems concerning the Spirit in the Church , when set against this back ground .
23 In the following section we use case history data to identify ways in which the professional — parent relationship operates within the context of the 1981 Act .
24 Examinations aside — there were many ways in which the unlucky , rather than the unwary , could slither down .
25 Models provide the possibility of predicting where we might find settlements and indicate some ways in which the contemporary landscape might have been exploited .
26 The present study is intended as a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the many ways in which the criminal justice system of England and Wales has changed since 1945 .
27 The group discussed ways in which the four organisations might work more closely together in the future , including preparations for the WACC-sponsored Consultation of International Christian Communication Organisations which was postponed earlier this year .
28 There are several ways in which the five responses might be summarized into a single score for each month which could then be traced over time .
29 In the immediate future , we will be issuing guidance on the ways in which the new-style HNCs and HNDs are to be reviewed — this guidance is necessary because some of the pilot courses and Batch 1 courses will soon reach the end of their period of validation .
30 Since architecture is one of the visual arts , the study of architecture is also a study of the ways in which the philosophical , religious and intellectual preoccupations of societies find expression in visual form .
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