Example sentences of "way [prep] [Wh det] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Both theories entail a shift of attention away from considerations of origin or cause to those of function or effect ; neither is as much interested in the ways in which language reflects reality , as in the ways in which it shapes our perception of things ; both attach central importance to the concepts of system and difference .
2 ‘ The idea I have in view whilst I make the demonstration ’ may be of a particular right-angled triangle with sides of a certain length , but I may , nevertheless , be sure that it holds of all right-angled triangles if , by not mentioning the ways in which it differs from them , I use this one to stand for them all .
3 It stated : ‘ Although the voluntary system , as we have shown , was once the chief form of collective action outside the Poor Law , it can now best be seen in terms of the ways in which it complements , supplements , extends and influences the informal and statutory systems ’ ( p. 26 ) .
4 Social Policy 1 evaluates different explanations of the growth of the welfare state and conflicting accounts of the ways in which it functions , and then examines issues and arguments which arise in two areas in which controversy is rife ; namely poverty and disease .
5 The collection of essays edited by Joyce ( 1987 ) is an important contribution to the history of work , not only for the satisfying ways in which it challenges orthodoxy about the social and political role of work , but also for its advocacy of the need to rethink work as a social construct .
6 Here we shall be looking rather more closely at changes within the state system itself , considering ways in which it has been restructured or , perhaps more accurately , was restructuring itself , in response to crisis .
7 By investigating the ways in which it has been used to explain particular phenomena , I shall aim to provide a more detailed account of absolute holism , as I shall call it , and of the mode of explanation it embodies .
8 Change in the garden is inevitable — but some of the ways in which it reveals itself are a great deal more interesting than others .
9 The spiritual plane is for all the great religions inseparable from the physical and psychological ways in which it manifests itself and becomes known by us , but yet it is truly distinguishable .
10 Walking slowly through autumn streets he had been wrestling with the ways in which it appeared to him that Coleridge had made use of a now little known book , Ridley 's Tales of the Genii .
11 Of particular importance in explaining the disclosure practices of such companies are the industry a company operates in , its size , profitability , extent of overseas operations and the ways in which it raises finance .
12 The dominant instance of a society is therefore that aspect of it which sustains the prevalent economic system by legitimating the way in which it produces and distributes wealth .
13 To suggest that the board was cowering timorously before the Government is ludicrous and pays no tribute or attention to its good work and to the robust way in which it represents its interests and those of the industry .
14 We have talked loosely about the original atmosphere of the Earth , and the way in which it affected and perhaps still affects life .
15 The really intriguing historical problems , which await further investigation , concern the manner in which policy-makers reacted to this inaccurate information in determining policy and the way in which it affected external relations , especially with international financial institutions , in particular the International Monetary Fund .
16 In the late eighteenth century treatises against masturbation referred specifically to the way in which it undermined a man 's ability to work .
17 Published in 1977 , by the Department of Education and Science the document suggested that the work of schools needed to be analysed in a ‘ quantitative ’ form as well as in the ‘ subjective and qualitative ’ way in which it had been measured hitherto .
18 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
19 This court held that the board was required to give reasons for the way in which it had reached its award , and that in the absence of such reasons its award was prima facie irrational .
20 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
21 The Committee gave British Rail a ferocious roasting over the way in which it had introduced the Bill and prosecuted its case .
22 I am grateful for this opportunity to clarify any uncertainty that may have resulted from this case , the specific circumstances which lay behind it and the way in which it had to be decided .
23 Finally , in view of the crucial part which the further education sector plays in the educational and economic well-being of Wales , not least in the way in which it caters for the indigenous population , it is regrettable that too big a gap still exists between it and the secondary school sector and too few Welshmen and women , particularly perhaps among those who are Welsh speaking , recognize its many achievements in the past and the vital contribution which it will be called upon to make in the future .
24 Another way in which the new narrative extends the range of traditional realism is by re-creating modes of spoken speech , not for reasons of costumbrism or authenticity , but to portray a society through the way in which it expresses itself orally .
25 It would not be appropriate to go through the arguments again today , but I suspect that teachers will judge the effectiveness of the pay review body not by our arguments on the Floor of the House or in Committee last year , but merely by the way in which it delivers .
26 The Baptist Missionary Society has changed the way in which it organizes home support for its missionaries .
27 Artistic interest in the making of meaning does not end when the music is made , the record released , the performance over , but is equally invested in the way in which it takes on its public meanings , via the media of television , radio , advertisement , the star system , Fleet Street gossip columns , poster magazines and so forth .
28 It must be even-handed in the way in which it reduces effort , understandable , believeable and flexible enough to be realistic .
29 The most interesting feature of this study , however , is the way in which it compared the preferred jobs of school-leavers with those obtained , revealing the gap between aspirations and reality .
30 The pooling system would continue but with two significant differences in the way in which it operated .
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